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  1. Z

    I really want to try outdoors.. but

    @doublejj, I checked out your carport threads, I really like the idea of the carport but shudder thinking of building that with metal poles and nice big wind catching walls, I wouldn't expect that to last more than a few weeks out here. @Hubey, I'll probably pick up some wire fence as well...
  2. Z

    1st time grower progress coverage

    In your last picture you can truly see how far away your light source is from the seedlings and one on the right hand side is leaning in towards it stretching for light, I'd highly suggest either getting more lights in there or getting that one much closer. CFL's need to be real close 1-2" When...
  3. Z

    WTF, is this normal?

    How old? They just look like they've reached sexual maturity and are now showing their pistils
  4. Z

    I really want to try outdoors.. but

    I honestly don't think that they would make it outdoors, The hottest it will get here is 100(38C) average is.. 77(25C) during the day, at night it gets down to 45-50(7-10C) It will also rain for days on end sometimes. I really don't know what to do. There is only one way to really find out I...
  5. Z

    Having the house appraised...

    They will more than likely have to walk around the outside and through every room in house. I'm not 100% sure about this, but to give a proper estimate I would assume so.
  6. Z

    Not quite sure.

    I have a plant that has 8 main tops it's coming up on 3 1/2 weeks old very long node intervals of about 6" apart appears sativa dominant. My question is, no where on the plant does it show pre-flowers but one of the tops, only one of them holds 4 nice long pistils. No balls, no little pigtail...
  7. Z

    seedling Stem drooping i dont believe that it is stretching

    Pretty much this, With a pot that size and a plant that small AND using fluros it will take literal ages to dry, at that point you're just asking for gnats and fungus.
  8. Z

    seedling Stem drooping i dont believe that it is stretching

    I'd suggest carefully repotting it into something much smaller, bury up to cotyledons. Do not bury them. Get a fan blowing gently to strengthen the stem, drop the light to 4 or 5" don't over-water and observe.
  9. Z

    Strange Growth at Base of Stem

    As the leaves start to go yellow the plant is sucking nitrogen and probably other elements, but most visually nitrogen as the leaves turn yellow. To in turn essentially feed off itself consuming energy for other parts of the plant.
  10. Z

    Tied down a little too far :(

    Depends on how clean your taping skills were and how fast you got that piece put back together.
  11. Z

    Help me design my room(s), If you want.

    8 foot ceilings so were looking at 200sqft to move. What I don't understand is, why not veg under a MH? I have my mother plant under fluros and cfls and it's doing fine, but under a MH from stable clones wouldn't you just end up with bigger plants before flower starts getting bigger plants...
  12. Z

    Help me design my room(s), If you want.

    So I've just recently finished moving and it's now time to get started, going to steal some room from my garage for my plants. The spot I'm going to be using is 10ft x 5ft x 8 feet tall - 10 feet long 5 feet wide, going to split the room length wise to make two 5x5 rooms, veg and flower. I have...
  13. Z

    Sex help

    You have some nice balls there.
  14. Z

    help leaves dieing more everyday

    You can do it whenever you want essentially.
  15. Z

    First grow!! / need help diagnosing !! /(PICS)

    They both look fine, the almost kind of scrunched up one should grow out and be fine. I'd try and get the seedlings up and above the rim of the cup and try and get a small breeze going so they get movement and strengthen up. Good luck man.
  16. Z

    help leaves dieing more everyday

    It's pretty simple, Just find the top of one of your branches and take the top and cut it and.. you're done.
  17. Z

    I have no clue.

    It doesn't seem to wipe off at all, those pictures are the 3 worst offenders out of the plant there's some tiny splotches that look the same just not nearly as bad and then about 80% of the plants leaves don't have anything on it all. And yes, ranchos I've checked the leaves hundreds of times...
  18. Z

    I have no clue.

    Any explanation to why these almost "spots" appear at random it seems? I've looked many times for bugs I've looked online for other pictures that look like this and causes and can't seem to find anything. Any help is appreciated.
  19. Z

    What treatment should I buy?

    Hmm, good find had me confused for a minute there, I went tried googling what "Capulators bennies" was, until a few minutes later I scrolled down and seen the "cloves and rosemary" line. :wall: