WTF, is this normal?

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
So I looked at my plants this morning and they've got pistils. It's mid goddamn June! We haven't even reached the solstice yet. I wasn't expecting them to start flowering for quite a while. Is this normal, or is something wrong?

It's been cloudy for a few days, but is that seriously enough to put them into early flowering?

These are not autos.

P1030867.JPG P1030868.JPG

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
yeah that's when some strains show, in veg. some more than others... Some strains I've seen in veg pseudo-auto flower on me! maybe they get too much shade, or not enuf hrs of direct sun if outdoors. I wldnt worry.


Active Member
Shock can cause a plant ta do dat too. Transplant gone wrong. Temp change.
I screwed up a bunch of transplants shocked de plants an dey all revealed demselfs.

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
yeah that's when some strains show, in veg. some more than others... Some strains I've seen in veg pseudo-auto flower on me! maybe they get too much shade, or not enuf hrs of direct sun if outdoors. I wldnt worry.
So do they continue to veg after showing sex, or is this the start of flowering? This is my first grow, so this is all completely new to me. I'm learning as I go.