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  1. Miraghoul

    Whats your views ,Real or la la land thc content

    Future1 is not even close to 37% - I have grown multiple phenos of Future1 from Anesia seeds across multiple grows (been growing it for almost a year now doing tests) - I lab tested all the phenos (six in total) - many came out around 16-18%- the best was 22.5 % We are doing this from multiple...
  2. Miraghoul

    35,000 Sq/ft Commercial Setup - need feedback (yes for real)

    We don't store, warehouse or fulfill on site. And security is taken care of third party.
  3. Miraghoul

    35,000 Sq/ft Commercial Setup - need feedback (yes for real)

    KTM - thanks for the advice, packaging is a concern, and we will not be using glass for cure or storage, it's just not practical Esinohio.... "It seemed clear you have no real experience in a large scale operation" I have loads of experience (over 20 years) in large scale operations, just not...
  4. Miraghoul

    35,000 Sq/ft Commercial Setup - need feedback (yes for real)

    We are actually not running a commercial greenhouse environment. We are utilizing a controlled industrial / commercial model with a 100% controlled environment and artificial lighting for our grow facility. This gives us the flexibility in our model to control all aspects of the grow and...
  5. Miraghoul

    35,000 Sq/ft Commercial Setup - need feedback (yes for real)

    Thanks SDF, We've already received lighting from 2 companies for testing and aside from PAR readings and some general in house tests, we're not ready for a grow test until the buildout is complete. One of the manufacturers will be partnering in the facility to implement a small test (maybe 4...
  6. Miraghoul

    35,000 Sq/ft Commercial Setup - need feedback (yes for real)

    Hey all, I've posted this in another forum, and I'm wondering if anyone here wants to take a crack at it or have some fun with our setup. We are currently in the build out stage of a licensed large scale grow facility and the options and choices are staggering and I am hoping to get the...