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  1. rumpelstonedkin

    mulch debris on plants

    I had some Santa Ana's rip through here and had a pile of grass clippings composting near my plants. Well, the mulch blew all over my sticky plants and they got tarred and feathered so to speak. I plan to deal with this upon harvest. Here are my ideas. Any advice from experience is much...
  2. rumpelstonedkin

    Hermies and what really causes them...

    Genetics. Only one man's opinion, but hearty strains that are as close to landrace as possible are my preference. Focussing on improving quality through better growing practices instead of overbreeding.
  3. rumpelstonedkin

    Smart Pots

    Anyone tried drilling holes around the sides of a 5 gallon plastic pot for aeration?
  4. rumpelstonedkin


    Some more photo's
  5. rumpelstonedkin


    What do you think? Male?
  6. rumpelstonedkin

    norcal - whens the latest you can put out to get a decent yield?

    You can keep putting them out all summer like corn, of course within reason, don't sow what you can't reap.
  7. rumpelstonedkin

    What's This?

    Here is the latest pic. I cut off drip water supply and used some shade cloth to protect against heat, tho this week not as hot. Looks the same: twisted leaves, curling up (mostly the top leaves). To touch the leaves are not crispy, they're soft and they are green, no burn spots, yellowing...
  8. rumpelstonedkin

    do you believe the bible to be the infallible word of god...and what is your proof

    It's important to believe in something, even if that something is non-belief. It's very easy to debunk the bible as god's word, for there are discrepancies throughout, for example: the 10 Commandments is strikingly analogous to Hammurabi's Code, written in Mesopotamia well before the Old T, and...
  9. rumpelstonedkin

    Is it possible to save the world

    Objective reality is an illusion, therefore, by creating our own subjective realities we are inevitably effecting change. One way global change can be achieved is by advocating a collective adherence to a set of policies, beliefs, and practices; however, this has been done throughout the...
  10. rumpelstonedkin

    Just three plants

    It's a good idea CG. I've taken some basic measures to hide them. Other plants and shade cloth for camo, and I think I will get some plastic flowers, at least it'll make my friends laugh if nothing else. But, at the end of the day, I've got an 9 ft. xmas tree in June. I'd be smart to stay...
  11. rumpelstonedkin

    What's This?

    I'd be surprised if the problem were Mag. Super. They are straight in the ground in beds that are chock full of compost. Composting organic matter equals Mag. I'd be afraid to pour in some lime or epsom. Also leaves look healthy and green, not like in the pic.
  12. rumpelstonedkin

    Just three plants

    You're right about the thieves. I am in a pretty rural neighborhood and don't really worry about that. Still there are some neighbors who could call the cops. There are no ordinances here regarding outdoor grow, other than the general rule of thumb, no more than 6 mature. I have half that...
  13. rumpelstonedkin

    What's This?

    use it. I think you may be right. I've turned off the drip, there will still be a little run off getting to the plants in the morning, but nothing like the deluge I was creating. Though it doesn't look like the typical over water droop, I imagine that the ph would also be effected, along with...
  14. rumpelstonedkin

    What's This?

    I'll try it. Maybe I wouldn't be having this problem if I was in Uzbekistan.
  15. rumpelstonedkin

    What's This?

    Thana Thanks. I'll check for moisture tomorrow and try to cut off some of the water.
  16. rumpelstonedkin

    What's This?

    DA, are you thinking it's an over/under water problem? They're all on drip so it'll be quite difficult to rely on a hose. I could try to water more, and not solely rely on what she gets in the morning. The leaves are not droopy as in an over/under water. They curl up.
  17. rumpelstonedkin

    What's This?

    Yup. I think so too. Those tropical Sativas hate the dry California weather we're having. Thailand it is not. I put up some shade cloth up to try to minimize the 10-2 sun damage. I hate to imagine what August will bring. The other girls are doing fine at least. Thanks. uo.
  18. rumpelstonedkin

    Just three plants

    In Cali with a prescription. Growing just three plants outdoors in yard (two are sativa trees tho). If someone really wanted to see them they could. Should I worry about law enforcement?
  19. rumpelstonedkin

    What's This?

    What kind of bug does that? There are some little holes here and there, probably grasshoppers. But never heard it seen curling up/ twisted leaf from bugs before.