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  1. grimzuchini

    Donate your Powdery Mildew

    I also suppose if he tried to grow his own than he would only get limited species who's spores are in his particular area. Samples from all over the world would provide endless different types of the fungi
  2. grimzuchini

    Are my branches too weak ?

    I agree with the others. Some strains just grow like that and will snap if you LST. For these I typically supercrop. Just pinch the part of the branch you wish to bend (it will feel bad crushing it but this is what you're going for) and then bend down. It will appear brutal and broken but check...
  3. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    Already been doing so, unfortunately I have to wait for my 401 k to vest at my current job or I will lose one heck of a sum of money.
  4. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    Hah! I am neither left or right. I would consider myself libertarian more than anything...that being said, knowing myself I would get too heated if I started posting in the political boards. Thanks for the welcome! I'm a longtime lurker and love reading about all the growing and the evolution of...
  5. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    You know, Canada really is sounding better and better these days. I would make the move if it weren't for my family being here in Texas.
  6. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    Yep, it is what I figured. Test people, fire them, no severance. Bastards. That said, I'm taking your suggestion and quit in December. So far I can pass the piss test. My hair grows ridiculously fast so hopefully 3 months will do the trick.
  7. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    I've always had anxiety problems and really just wanna smoke a j and chill out...too bad companies think it's the devils lettuce.
  8. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    Yes, unfortunately it was made quite aware they will be doing random hair tests to ALL employees and not just those on the manufacturing floor. If it was just a pee test I could get around that with ease. I have tried the shampoos and what not, but when I paid for my own hair test at a testing...
  9. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    Absolutely agree! Weed over script mess for sure.
  10. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    And yeah, the random hair follicle test for an office worker is pure BS.
  11. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    I hear ya, but I've read other threads on various forums like this and the first thing people reply is, "hey idiot, stop smoking weed...ever thought of that". Glad you guys are understanding :)
  12. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    Yeah it is pretty much what I am trying to do at the moment. I really have to keep this job for now though because I really need the money to pay various bills and I would really like to reach 5 years to vest my 401k.
  13. grimzuchini

    Refusing random drug test and searching for new job

    I have been working for a large company that has a zero tolerance drug policy for about 4 years. I passed the initial hair follicle and urinanalysis tests with ease as I stayed clean for about 8 months. Immediately after hire I started smoking again (work is tough and it really helps to wind...
  14. grimzuchini

    ARKANSAS Meds! Issue 6

    That link was incredibly helpful! Unfortunately it looks like native Texans like us will have no part in the medical industry of Arkansas considering the stipulation is that you must have lived in the state for at least 7 years (check section 8 c) to open a dispensary or cultivation facility...
  15. grimzuchini

    ARKANSAS Meds! Issue 6

    I'm from Texas as well and would like to move to AR to start something up. Would be interested to see how the law develops and what the parameters would be to start a business. The unfortunate aspect of being a Texan is that it seems like most of these laws require you to be a resident in the...
  16. grimzuchini

    preventing reveg

    Naw, just some crappy T8 bulbs in the cheapest Home Depot light fixture you can find. It wont keep a remarkable mother plant or anything, but if you trim correctly you could easily keep it going for clone purposes only with that minimal lighting. The LEDs you speak about could be awesome or...
  17. grimzuchini

    preventing reveg

    I actually had them on 18/6 and gradually dropped the light hours. When I got to 14/10 I noticed some strains began to flower but others required a larger drop to begin flowering. Unfortunately I haven't experimented in the way that would give you more answers (Start from low light hours with...
  18. grimzuchini

    preventing reveg

    Hi GoRealUhGro, Since you do not want to keep lights on them longer indoors, and you are unwilling to get lights on them after the sun goes down to lengthen the day hours the plant receives, your only other option that I can see is choosing a different strain. Now I don't have this...