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  1. bernett stoner

    will my cutting root or even survive

    Thanks mate u helped me a lot decided I will take 2 more cuttings from me friends lemon haze skunk
  2. bernett stoner

    will my cutting root or even survive

    So mast use the same wilted one take it out of the soil put it in a glass of water? or mast I get another cutting?
  3. bernett stoner

    will my cutting root or even survive

    Got this cutting from a friend today since I'm broke af I just had some potting soil so I just planted this cutting in that soil gave it some good bottled water ph 6.3 its in the shade now since its summer I know the direct sun will kill it period now its in the shade wilted question will it...
  4. bernett stoner

    Root issues.

  5. bernett stoner

    asprin in marijuana plant

    Hi growers I got this flowering weed plant I had problems with it only to find out that there was a problem with the root and soil was sandy some roots where dry af she's been flowering for 8 weeks I decided to re pot her in fresh poting soil and gave her some asprin tea, I read an article that...
  6. bernett stoner

    what cause bud to stretch?

    U think its a good idea to transplant in bloom ? Coz she's blooming
  7. bernett stoner

    what cause bud to stretch?

    Seed i got from the weed I don't know the strain but it was good weed only had this one seed in that bag so I planted it my luck I was a female
  8. bernett stoner

    what cause bud to stretch?

    U think its a good idea to transplant in bloom ? Coz she's blooming
  9. bernett stoner

    what cause bud to stretch?

    I think it is foxtailing don't know if its caused by the heat coz its outdoor and the temp goes around 28-40 Degrees here its a the african sun or maybe its nute stress because of the browining leaves I think its too much N from the dry chicken poop tea
  10. bernett stoner

    what cause bud to stretch?

    I can't up load a pic I'm using a phone or my browser is outdated but There she is as my avatar hope it helps
  11. bernett stoner

    what cause bud to stretch?

    Problem I have with my growth is the leaves they started by having brown tips the that would impact the whole leaf to be brown and be crispy and die iv been fedding her chicken poop tea and the is bonemeel and babana peal in the soil, the soil I just took it from my garden I water with rain...
  12. bernett stoner

    what cause bud to stretch?

    Buds were growing fine since last week its like buds are stretching with with new pistols on top and bud leaves growing along they are thick at the bottom can be genetic or what ? Its outdoor in a 2lt pot its sativa pheno
  13. bernett stoner


    What causes bud stretch in a outdoor plant I have a sativa growing outdoor since its summer I take it out at 6.00am then bring it inside and cover it at 18.00 my problemi buds are growing nice thou I over fed it but they are stretching and they are nice thick where they started but they have...
  14. bernett stoner

    will high temp have an impect on the potency of my bud

    So I can bring her inside in the closet so she can just sit there in the dark my fear is as you say cloudy can mean dark its still mid day what if the sun comes out of them clouds in 2 hours time won't it hermie
  15. bernett stoner

    will high temp have an impect on the potency of my bud

    Lol you know mj is ilegal here, grandma is trapped in the systerm she also believes that ganja is bad for a person but grandpa use to smoke a lot but his old now he's 87 years old
  16. bernett stoner

    will high temp have an impect on the potency of my bud

    Other question it just turned from bright Sunshine to cloudy after a month and its lots of clouds its mid day and dark clouds are here no sun won't it harm my plant ? Does cloudy means dark?
  17. bernett stoner

    will high temp have an impect on the potency of my bud

    Look at her pic in my avater ;)
  18. bernett stoner

    will high temp have an impect on the potency of my bud

    Come on guys its not like he planted the seed there he just threw it there while he was crushing weed no one knew about this plant antil I went there also to smoke a blunt then I saw it no one was even watering her she was sick and I rescue her she wud be dead by now
  19. bernett stoner

    will high temp have an impect on the potency of my bud

    No won't transplant when I saw this at grandmas it was already in flowering phase but had small buds then i transplanted, don't you think that it delayed the coz It had stress for a week don't u think that might just have delayed the blooming ?
  20. bernett stoner

    will high temp have an impect on the potency of my bud

    Lol i guess so but he does not know the defference between a male and a female plant he just buy his weed, I'm the one growing for my self he also buy from me... Other question don't you think the transplanting als delayed the blooming phase coz as I see she far from finishing becouse of the new...