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  1. Melytra

    Another fantastic quote, by a fascinating woman. :)

    Another fantastic quote, by a fascinating woman. :)
  2. Melytra

    Vote No ...Or else.

    I agree with some of the other members who have posted. Even if legalized/decriminalized, seeds will still be available from around the world. If MJ is illegal, this activity can get someone in big trouble. If legal/decrim, we can grow all we want and have a personal connection to the medicine...
  3. Melytra

    Arthritis pain gone... too good to be true?

    I am a young person but unfortunately I do have arthritis (cervical spine, left knee, and both shoulders) due to a connective tissue disorder. I am new to the MJ community. Does anybody have a tried-and-true recipe for these lotions and salves for pain relief? Or would this sort of thing be...
  4. Melytra

    increase effects of cannabis with mangos?

    I will have to remember and try this ... I love mangoes!
  5. Melytra

    CBD offset THC "buzz" ratio

    Based on all the research I've done, I agree, there is no "offset" with the THC/CBD ratio though the THC is more responsible for the cerebral, psychoactive-type high. So choose a more CBD-heavy strain and go with an edible version to maximize pain relief and minimize headtrip. (Pain relief and...
  6. Melytra

    Wondering what the future holds ...

    Wondering what the future holds ...
  7. Melytra

    A small project cont......

    They are growing fast. Keep up the good work. ;)
  8. Melytra

    Good days are ahead. :)

    Good days are ahead. :)
  9. Melytra

    Let's stay healthy

    That could have been what it was for me ... that time at least. I had some sort of "episode" after a coughing fit, and coughing normally triggers a lot of my worst symptoms due to a structural problem in my brain. (So I should have known better, haha.) That was why I tried edibles the next time...
  10. Melytra

    Let's stay healthy

    Hi Abe, I am doing ... "fine" I guess, haha. I am quite depressed today (for no good reason) and in a lot of pain. But I just got done with a lot of testing and I guess whatever episodes I'm having, they're not seizures, so that's a good thing. Still searching for the answer though. As for the...
  11. Melytra

    Let's stay healthy

    Who is this question directed to? If it's for me, I don't have a stepdad ... my biofather passed away a little over two years ago and was not overweight (in fact he was in fantastic shape and overall health) until he started chemo/radiation/anti-inflammatory steroids.
  12. Melytra

    New to growing AND smoking :)

    I believe I will too. The community, the support & info, the usage. And hopefully enough collective representation that things can start changing ... in the nation, and in our bodies (: To good health!!! :leaf:
  13. Melytra

    New to growing AND smoking :)

    David Tennant!!! I am just starting to get into Dr. Who. Thanks for the welcoming :D
  14. Melytra

    Welcome New Members!

    Thank you to everyone who sent good wishes my way (: I wish all of you great success in your efforts as well! Here's to therapeutic benefit ... from the growing and the using. :leaf:
  15. Melytra

    Wishing all my problems could just be figured out.

    Wishing all my problems could just be figured out.
  16. Melytra

    Let's stay healthy

    That's about what I was thinking, that I had too much of it for my low tolerance. I have only smoked a few times before and most of the highs were unpleasant with no body pain relief. But they were not medicinal strains, I'm quite sure, though I don't have any idea of what they were. I do think...
  17. Melytra

    Let's stay healthy

    Hi to all. I am new to smoking/edibles/etc. I started having seizures regularly about 7 months ago, most likely related to one of my medical disorders. I take a lot of medication because of my health, and was hoping mj would help reduce that. So, I tried some cannabutter several months ago ...
  18. Melytra

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone, I'm a newbie (both to growing and to smoking) but I'm eager to learn and experiment. :-) I have a degenerative genetic disorder that causes chronic debilitating pain, neurological problems, and lots of other stuff. I have lived in two states now where cannabis is legal medicinally...
  19. Melytra

    New to growing AND smoking :)

    Hi everyone, I'm a newbie as I said but am eager to learn and experiment. :-) I have a degenerative genetic disorder that causes chronic debilitating pain, neurological problems, and lots of other stuff. I have lived in two states now where cannabis is legal medicinally, but due to employment...
  20. Melytra

    A small project.

    Is the dark coloring maybe just an issue of photographic lighting, or are they genuinely "too dark" in person? I am new to this and wanting to learn as much as possible