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  1. jo2489

    newbie here. looking for helpful flowering suggestions

    Hey guy's. This is my second grow and im growing under 12 cfl bulbs. 8 100w equivalent and 4 65w equivalent. 6, 2700k and 6, 6500k. My growing medium is a generic potting soil. Im using miracle grow house plant nutrients every watering. Diluted to one teaspoon per gallon of water. Im just over...
  2. jo2489

    opinions? advice for improvement?

    i had all six lights hanging above the plant at one time but decide to move them to the positions you see in the pics thinkibg i needed more light toward the bottom. do you think it would be a good idea to hang them back up?
  3. jo2489

    opinions? advice for improvement?

    first time grower here and was looking for opinions and advice on overall plant health and possible steps for improvement. im growing in an organic soil medium under 6 100w cfl bulbs. fed miracle grow indoor plant food at every watering (about every three days). i had a pretty rocky start with...
  4. jo2489

    pistils turning orange prematurely?

    hey guys first timer here. im growing this plant in a soil medium and feeding miracle gro indoor plant food at every watering ( about every three days). this plant was changed to 12/12 on september 20th. its about 4 weeks into flower and i started noticing some of the pistils turning orangish...
  5. jo2489

    is she average?

    hey guys first timer here. my baby is about 23 days into her 12/12 light cycle and i was just looking for more experienced opinions about her progress. does she look about average or should she be a little thicker? i understand i have another 4/5 weeks before she peaks. but in your opinion does...
  6. jo2489

    opinions please, wilting leaves

    hey guys first time grow here. im growing under cfl lights in earthgro organic potting soil. my plant is about 2 1/2 weeks into 12/12 cycle. things have been going well and the plant seemed to be growing/producing well until yesterday when i noticed the leaves beginning to droop. it had been...
  7. jo2489

    it's a girl!

    first time grow here, under cfl bulbs. plant is just shy of two weeks into flower. and she finally showed herself today. its a girl!
  8. jo2489

    i think "she" might be a HE!

    on a good note, im happy to announce........plant number a female!!
  9. jo2489

    i think "she" might be a HE!

    yeah, i started seeing clusters of the pollen sacs today. so i got rid of it
  10. jo2489

    i think "she" might be a HE!

    to be honest im fairly new at this myself. i attempted this grow using bag seeds and you can see how its turning out for me so far. personally i would suggest finding some feminized seeds online or from a dispencery. that way you know you have a female off the bat. im not particulary familiar...
  11. jo2489

    i think "she" might be a HE!

    yeah, i guess i should have clarified that. all pics are of the same plant
  12. jo2489

    i think "she" might be a HE!

    ive been reading that the male pollen sacs will grow on a tiny stem, which is what im seeing on this particular plant. i have also seen pictures that are almost identical claiming to be males. should i just get rid of it or give it a few more days to be sure
  13. jo2489

    i think "she" might be a HE!

    male or female? these are beginning to show at every node on my plant. im pretty convinced its a male. any opinions?
  14. jo2489

    male or female?

    alright, thanks guys. i will post better pics tomorrow, for now its lights out. maybe theyll be a bit more distinguishable by then too
  15. jo2489

    male or female?

    the bottom picture is too blury, but you can see what im talking about in the top pic
  16. jo2489

    male or female?

    i was wondering about the two little balls that look like theyre sitting on a tiny stem right in the v of the branches. ive seen something similar to these once and they turned out to be new leafs. although these look similar there is a distinct difference between these and the new leafs. i...
  17. jo2489

    male or female?

    hey guys, first timer here. my babies are 8 days into flower and ive noticed what appears to be pre flowers. im looking for opinions on wether these are potential males or females.
  18. jo2489

    could these be preflowers? early signs of sex?

    thanks. hopefully "she" shows in the next couple of days. :confused:
  19. jo2489

    could these be preflowers? early signs of sex?

    o ok, how long into flower do you think she'll go before i can tell?
  20. jo2489

    could these be preflowers? early signs of sex?

    hey guys. these plants are 4.5 weeks veg and are now 3 days into flower. do those look like future bud sites or balls? or maybe im looking at new leaf shutes starting to grow? any help is greatly appreciated