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  1. L

    First Time

    I'm going to try and get you guys some pics so you see what it is I'm dealing with
  2. L

    First Time

    Thanks again guys for all the help
  3. L

    First Time

    that's all great info guys I love the responses. But I have a bigger problem now, my bud is drying to quick I have the buds hanging in a dark dry place with the temp at 70 and humidity at 50% any reason the buds fell like they are dry already?, but the stems did not break they just folded, I...
  4. L

    Marijuana Seeds

    thanks that did help awesome
  5. L

    Always Trying To Get High

    Always Trying To Get High
  6. L

    Seed banks and places to get seeds

    Hi everone I'm new here I just started growing a couple months ago I just grab some seeds from my folks stash so my first girls that I grown I don't have a clue of the strain but this was just a trial run for me to see if anything would grow. Anyway I want to change that I want to know what I'm...
  7. L

    First Time

    Thanks for that info and its not as expensive as I would have thought
  8. L

    Marijuana Seeds

    This is my first time growing I just been using seeds that came from other tree I've brought, I know this is not the best way to grow but I just wanted to see if I could get something going. With that being said I grow indoors hydro style and so far nothing has died or fucked up I grew a girl...
  9. L

    First Time

    Sorry if this may be a dumb question but what the hell is a bubble bag and where can I find one and how much will one of these bags cost?:confused: Not that I'm cheap or anything but I'm just a little tight on funds (until baby girl finish drying):hump:
  10. L

    First Time

    I cant really say how much I have but its a decent amount I would guess:confused: but this is my first time growing and it would be the first time I even smoked hash that's if I can learn how to make it.:rolleyes:
  11. L

    First Time

    :bigjoint:I'm a first time grower and I just chopped down my first girl.:lol: I have a question on how to make hash from the trimmings. I don't want to go out and buy a whole bunch of shit to do it. If anyone have any quick and cheap ways to make hash from home please give me your...