First Time


New Member
:bigjoint:I'm a first time grower and I just chopped down my first girl.:lol: I have a question on how to make hash from the trimmings. I don't want to go out and buy a whole bunch of shit to do it. If anyone have any quick and cheap ways to make hash from home please give me your feedback.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I love dry ice hash, just need a bubble bag and dry ice. Takes 10-15 mins and I use it for edibles or just dust a bowl


New Member
I love dry ice hash, just need a bubble bag and dry ice. Takes 10-15 mins and I use it for edibles or just dust a bowl
Sorry if this may be a dumb question but what the hell is a bubble bag and where can I find one and how much will one of these bags cost?:confused: Not that I'm cheap or anything but I'm just a little tight on funds (until baby girl finish drying):hump:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that info and its not as expensive as I would have thought
yes! and the only ingredient is your trim, ice, and water. this stuff is great! with the bags you will get several grades of hash, it's fast, easy, and pure!bongsmilie

stay away from butane and other solvents!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
you need like an oz of trim for a g of thinks?
I will check my logs, but you should get more than a g per zip. I also don't use water, just freeze the trim a couple hours then throw in the bag with some dry ice and shake for 5-10 mins.


Well-Known Member
The first time I separated out the really blonde stuff, didn't note the weight. The 50g to 14g I didn't separate it out since I was using it all for cooking. It works great in coconut oil for baking.


Well-Known Member
Stay away from people that don't know what the hell they're talking about.... Hash can be made with many different techniques, almost all of which have a Grade A end product
but more often than not, it's made by your friend, who, no matter what he tells you, is not a chemist. And no matter how much you try to convince yourself, you my friend are infact, smoking butane.:dunce:


New Member
that's all great info guys I love the responses. But I have a bigger problem now, my bud is drying to quick I have the buds hanging in a dark dry place with the temp at 70 and humidity at 50% any reason the buds fell like they are dry already?, but the stems did not break they just folded, I was told it should take at least a week to dry (its only been 3 days) and about two weeks to cure. I'm no chemist and I'm not friends with one and I'm at a total lost with this one again I don't know the strain of the tree because I used seeds from tree I had brought. I will keep saying that this is new as I am a first time grower I understand I should have done a little more research but I like to learn as I go and I haven't wasted money on seeds either way I would love the input :wall: