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  1. Mr.Nuggsguys

    Sexing Seeds?

  2. Mr.Nuggsguys

    Sexing Seeds?

    If only there were a way…
  3. Mr.Nuggsguys

    Sexing Seeds?

    and how i look at it is that if it were that easy, we wouldn't have to buy feminized seeds at all and would never have problems about males...
  4. Mr.Nuggsguys

    Sexing Seeds?

    So i recently watched a youtube video where a guy was saying that he has had nearly 100% success on sexing a cannabis seed. He says at the bottom of the seed you can see a little crater and if it a good full crater, it is a female, and if the crater is deformed, it will be a male. What do...
  5. Mr.Nuggsguys

    New Grow, LST or Topping?

    nice man thats awesome! there are a bunch of tops on that gal! I'm hoping mine will end up like that!
  6. Mr.Nuggsguys

    What 'ORIGINAL' things do you do to your growing plants

    Do you think if i put some coconut oil in with some water it will help with my calcium deficiency?
  7. Mr.Nuggsguys

    New Grow, LST or Topping?

    Hell yeah man! how long did she veg for? and is that one plant or several?
  8. Mr.Nuggsguys

    New Grow, LST or Topping?

    I have two being LST'd and two that have been topped. In a week or so, i will LST the topped plants and the Top the two LST'd plants. Im going to see what is better to do first or if it even has an effect on growth. That lady you have there is looking nice!
  9. Mr.Nuggsguys

    SEX under 24/0 light?

    yes i know, i am just pointing out that they both look similar. they both are a sack that is in a shap of a banana. yes the herm is more like a banana buy you can't deny that a full blown male looks like it has little sacks that look like them.
  10. Mr.Nuggsguys

    New Grow, LST or Topping?

    UPDATE So yesterday was when i decided it was time to top my two plants that are not being LST'd, and while i was looking at the plants i noticed a few yellowish spots in the center of one of the lower fan leaves, would this be a calcium deficiency? I have never encountered this problem before...
  11. Mr.Nuggsguys

    SEX under 24/0 light?

    Also, when it is in 12/12 light, if its a female it will pop out little white hairs through the pistols and if it is a male, it will start to make little sacks that look like bananas, pull the male plants as soon as you can identify them! it can ruin your whole grow. hope this helps with the...
  12. Mr.Nuggsguys

    SEX under 24/0 light?

    Well, personally i have not had this happen, yet I'm only on my 3rd grow at this time, but what i understand is that some plants will show sex even under 24hr light once the plant is mature enough in the veg cycle. It is just showing you that it is ready to be put into flower. You might as well...
  13. Mr.Nuggsguys

    SEX under 24/0 light?

    you can take cuttings from one of your female plants and make clones from it so you will always have a female cut of that plant.
  14. Mr.Nuggsguys

    Let's get drunk!!!

  15. Mr.Nuggsguys

    Montana Grower, 3rd Season growing, 2nd indoor grow! I love the green so much! Mary jane is the...

    Montana Grower, 3rd Season growing, 2nd indoor grow! I love the green so much! Mary jane is the only women i will hit!
  16. Mr.Nuggsguys

    New Grow, LST or Topping?

    Also, Have any of you guys used coffee grounds to raise the nitrogen levels instead of using synthetic nutrients? I use fox farm and Advanced nutrients but only during flower, i like to stay as organic as possible for the veg and only use a small amount of nutrients when needed in flower. Is it...
  17. Mr.Nuggsguys

    New Grow, LST or Topping?

    Im going to do this to half of my plants to see the difference it makes! thanks!
  18. Mr.Nuggsguys

    New Grow, LST or Topping?

    Wow, those girls are beautiful! Im 1 month into veg right now and i started to LST 2 of my girls, i think i will top the other 2 and then wait a bit to start to LST them. How much does it slow down growth if i top and then LST? Thanks for your reply!
  19. Mr.Nuggsguys

    New Grow, LST or Topping?

    Ive got 4 female plants that were taken from an unknown purple mother plant, I think i will top 2 and lst 2 and see how it goes and maybe also LST the topped plants after they pop out the other tops?