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  1. W

    Does pot size really matter for a pure coco grow?

    My question: I've read conflicting reports concerning coco and pot size. Some reports claim that coco is like hydro. Pot size doesn't matter, you'll have to feed more frequently but your plants will be able to grow fine as long as your applying nutrients. Basically saying small pots will not...
  2. W

    auto-flower fieldtrips

    If i was you i would just leave it in the closet with CFLS on 24/7. Add some more cfls if you think you need extra power. I've heard that moving the plant around too much can stunt growth. Plus when you put it outside you expose it to all the dust particles in the air not to mention pests and...
  3. W

    What exacty is LOUD???

    Where do you live? Around here "loud" is a term people use to describe the smell of weed. Loud means it has a strong smell. Weed with a strong smell is usually pretty potent. That being said I've never payed more for loud. I buy top shelf no matter what so if the weed wasn't somewhat "loud" i...
  4. W

    How to avoid flower too early outdoors? Need help from the experienced.

    I've had clones flower when put out in june. If you're growing from clone i would wait till july to transplant outdoors. Just my opinion.
  5. W

    Being a runner and a cannabis smoker

    I like to run and smoke. In fact I usually burn a bit before I go out for a run. I've never noticed any diminished lung capacity. Even when I was smoking so much I would cough up black mucus I never had a problem with lung capacity. Then again I'm young so that may change as I age. I have a...
  6. W

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    Good point about the co2. But no matter how much co2 you add a plant cannot increase potency past its genetic threshold. In my opinion an experienced outdoor grower will not have a problem pushing potency as far as it can go without that added co2 boost. Cloud cover barely diminishes the suns...
  7. W

    what kind of deficiency? Please help me

    They look fine to me. That little spot on one of the leaves looks like sun burn so you might want to leave them off the roof. Don't panic. Just buy some veg nutes. Add a very small amount to water. Like 1/10th of recommended dosage. Feed your plant that. Once it starts to perk up you can slowly...
  8. W

    Are there ways to speed up (or shorten) the flower time of an outdoor plant?

    Well the only hard and fast way I know to induce flowering would be light deprivation. Cover your plants every night 1-2 hours before sunset. Uncover them 1-2 hours after sunrise. That will force flowering. You can stop covering them altogether in september. And they should be done before...
  9. W

    Proper Seed Storage?

    I personally store my seeds the same way I store my buds. Airtight dry container. Never had a problem with seeds degrading overtime. If I was you I would just throw them in an empty medicine bottle and put them in a drawer.
  10. W

    NW U.S. -- when are you starting your outdoor grow?

    After the last frost. I think thats around 4/20 for people in the northwest. What you really need to worry about is force flowering on accident. If you put clones that have been on 24/0 outside in april they'll probably start flowering. So if you're growing from clones you should probably put...
  11. W

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    I'm not mad at all. What would I have to be mad about? You're the one typing in all caps and hurling insults. I'm attempting to present my point in a concise and legible manner. Which is hard to do when posting on a forum and talking about this subject. I attempted to make my post as short and...
  12. W

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    My stupidity amazes you? You know nothing about me or my intelligence levels. The fact that you feel the need to turn to personal insults and TYPING IN ALL CAPS proves how immature and emotional you are. Truly a man child. What is "better" is a matter of personal opinion. In my personal...
  13. W

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    What about people who live in climates that are perfect for growing cannabis? You're telling me they can't produce high quality buds outside? Lol. Your bias is obvious. But please don't try to act like indoor automatically means better medicine. I know plenty of indoor growers whose grow rooms...
  14. W

    Outdoor Bud Quality

    If everything is optimized perfectly for your grow potency is about the same. If anything the outdoor bud will be more potent cuz artificial light cannot compete with the sun. But most outdoor bud isn't grown in optimal conditions and doesn't receive the same care and micromanagement that...
  15. W

    Will 50% perlite 50% clay soil work for my plants?

    I'm planning to grow trees this year so i'm going to need a massive amount of soil. 600 gallons+. Buying 600 gallons of soil is going to get expensive even if I can find it in bulk. And the bigger problem will be actually transporting it. Can't move it myself and looking online the cost of...
  16. W

    Is some stretch desireable?

    Indoor stretch would be undesirable because of height constraints + it could stop artificial light from hitting the lower limbs. Outdoor you should just let it grow how it wants to grow. Plants been growing itself for thousands of years i'm sure it doesn't need any help.
  17. W

    Will 50% perlite 50% clay soil work for my plants?

    Responding to this thread for anyone who has the same question cuz I found my answer after a lot of googling. Clay soil that you find blackberries growing in is high in nutrients. And a blackberry thicket is a good place to plant cuz apparently they always grow facing south or southwest. Good...
  18. W

    Will 50% perlite 50% clay soil work for my plants?

    Kay the soil isn't 100% clay... its clay soil. Its like soil but with a heavy clay content so it compacts easily. There is plants thriving in it now but I know it needs to be more aerated if I want an optimal environment for cannabis. Anyone with actual experience amending clay soils?
  19. W

    Will 50% perlite 50% clay soil work for my plants?

    I have access to free clay soil. High in nutrients but doesn't drain very well. I was thinking i could mix it with an equal amount of perlite to improve drainage. Then ph it. I already have the whole foxfarm lineup so i don't think i would need anymore amendments. Will my plants be able to...