How to avoid flower too early outdoors? Need help from the experienced.


Now I have four plants and 3 of them have been transplanted into bigger pots. All of them are under control of 16/8.
If my plants were put outside, will them flower to early? I have looked up the sunrise and sunset time from the web. But in my place recently the day light hours is not more than 14 hours. And some articles about the light online say that we need to put our plants outside when the day light hours is more than 15, and the same as the clones. A friend of mine says his clones usually flower early and don't have a long veg time.

How to avoid it? How to control the light hours? Really need help from you, I need some suggestions based on the latitude. Thank you.


Anytime after the spring equinox should do?

@doublejj would know.

I'm pretty sure anytime now you could put them out and you'd be fine... It is spring after all...

I'm afraid that when the plants have been put outside, they will begin flowering.

The results from the net is that even if on the summer solstice, the day light hours won't be more than 15 hours:sad:
WHAT SHOULD DO NEXT? And I'm confused now.


Well-Known Member
Add a small light for a few hours after or before the sun comes up
Mine go out into their Smart Pots during the waxing moon phase during the month of May (May 10th-24th this year, the 14th is my target date). They're outside now with a 600 watt light over them. Light comes on at 5:45am, off at 7:30am after the sun is high enough in the sky. Light comes back on at 6:00pm and off again at 8:30pm. That's 14:45 hrs of light a day, the same as I get on June 21st (summer solace). Between the "dawn and dusk" lighting on May 14th, this keeps them from flowering when removed from the artificial lighting and into their permanent homes for the summer/fall.


Mine go out into their Smart Pots during the waxing moon phase during the month of May (May 10th-24th this year, the 14th is my target date). They're outside now with a 600 watt light over them. Light comes on at 5:45am, off at 7:30am after the sun is high enough in the sky. Light comes back on at 6:00pm and off again at 8:30pm. That's 14:45 hrs of light a day, the same as I get on June 21st (summer solace). Between the "dawn and dusk" lighting on May 14th, this keeps them from flowering when removed from the artificial lighting and into their permanent homes for the summer/fall.
If my plan is to plant a lot of clones outside, and considering the day light hours is a little shorter than the recommended, and I can't put a extra light outside on the mountains. What should I do? At the moment I was completely confused.
I've had clones flower when put out in june. If you're growing from clone i would wait till july to transplant outdoors. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
In some locations, you never see a 15hr day.
you can put plants out now. They may show you some flowers, but not commit to flowering. Around here, plants commit to flower between mid July and the beginning of August.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
In Sonoma County Ca it is safe to put them outside after May 15th. Some strains will be fine earlier and some won't . I have some strains that will flower as soon as I put them outside no matter what the photo period.


Well-Known Member
You're looking for more than 14 hours of light. Use giasma to determine the amount of light you're receiving.

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In Sonoma County Ca it is safe to put them outside after May 15th. Some strains will be fine earlier and some won't . I have some strains that will flower as soon as I put them outside no matter what the photo period.
But the problem is when I put them outside they will turn to flower, if plants were flowering outside early, there will be few yields or can't get as many as I have expected. Today the day light hours is just 12.5 hours in my town. I guess they will be flowering very soon when I put them out.
But in several decades ago or in ancient times, farmers grow cannabis for fibers. I don't know in that situation whether the plants will flower early.


Well-Known Member
if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, now is the perfect time to start seeds outdoors. Keep them warm after they sprout & you should be fine. If you are using clones, your about 6-8 weeks too early. at this time of year clones will flower right away. If you want to put clones outside now, you will have to put lights over them like treeman said....good luck


Well-Known Member
Easy. Just throw a couple of lights on them outdoors to keep them
from flowering early. You can do this blindfolded.


if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, now is the perfect time to start seeds outdoors. Keep them warm after they sprout & you should be fine. If you are using clones, your about 6-8 weeks too early. at this time of year clones will flower right away. If you want to put clones outside now, you will have to put lights over them like treeman said....good luck
But how to solve the power problem? It will take me an hour to reach there if I plant them on the mountain and the light like LEDs can only be used up to 8 hours, I mean the lithium-ion battery can only sustain for 8 hours, and I have charge it the next day because it can only be set one time.

I feel so frustrated now, please help.


Easy. Just throw a couple of lights on them outdoors to keep them
from flowering early. You can do this blindfolded.
But how to solve the electricity problem? My plants need about 3 hours extra light every day after the sunset. From so far, I have no idea which kind of light can be used outdoor and automatically turn on and turn off every day.

I'm gonna cry.......TAT....