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  1. W

    How does my 3 week old sprout look

    That's great I was worried that I would have to start all over again from scratch.
  2. W

    How does my 3 week old sprout look

    Thanks Hotboxbudz but is there a reason the first leaves are turning yellow? and how can I fix that
  3. W

    How does my 3 week old sprout look

    Photos are below cause for some reason I could not upload the with original thread
  4. W

    How does my 3 week old sprout look

    This is my second attempt at growing so far I started growing this seed on July 31 and everything was going fine until two nights ago August 14 when i checked on the sprout I noticed that the embryo leaves started turning yellow however the true leaves look alright to me. I have checked water...
  5. W

    Slow seedling growth

    So far I have stopped watering them to give the peat pellets a chance to dry out hopefully I'll be seeing a few sprouts shortly if everything goes well
  6. W

    Slow seedling growth

    Thanks I will definitely try that :D
  7. W

    Slow seedling growth

    hey,,, I would like to point out that I'm a newbie so please bare with me I'm having trouble getting my seeds to crack the surface I have started germination using the wet towel method and as soon as they cracked open I transferred them to jeffiy peat pellets (about a week ago) I water them...