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  1. scottdamiano

    Thoughts on Alice's Garden

    Has anyone ever used Alice's Garden premium all purpose plant food. 12-6-12
  2. scottdamiano

    Whats Wrong With My Plants? HELP

    I originally wanted to try a ALL organic grow but i now realize that i do need some nutes. And i just got some new soil and it has perlite. But im having some trouble switching the soil. And these little black flies keep flying around i think they are gnats. how can i easily get rid of them. I...
  3. scottdamiano

    Whats Wrong With My Plants? HELP

    Im gonna try out cal-mag.
  4. scottdamiano

    Whats Wrong With My Plants? HELP

    Yeah i have a fan with a duct sucking in air from outside and i leave the box open through out the day to let the air escape. I know i need some more fans. I haven't gave them nutrients yet. i used soil that i dug up from the woods behind me. Any ideas on what i can do to make the grow box...
  5. scottdamiano

    Whats Wrong With My Plants? HELP

    Yeah they did have some small webs on the edges of the leafs so i thought they were mites but when i looked nude the leafs there was nothing there so i just carefully pulled them off and brought my plants inside and the webs never came back im glad about that. But now the WPM started showing...
  6. scottdamiano

    Whats Wrong With My Plants? HELP

    Yes the pots do drain well as far as i know. How can i tell i have good enough drainage? And that's good to know that i don't because i used to have them outside and they did have strands of webs but once i brought them inside they seemed to no longer be living with my plants
  7. scottdamiano

    Whats Wrong With My Plants? HELP

    i wiped off the WPM with a wet paper towel and then sprayed my plants with a hydrogen peroxide and water mixture. hope this helps
  8. scottdamiano

    leaf browning!!! Please Help

    one of my leafs is turning brown and i don't know what is causing it.
  9. scottdamiano

    Whats Wrong With My Plants? HELP

    what is burning the leaf like this im not using any nutes?
  10. scottdamiano

    Whats Wrong With My Plants? HELP

    im not using any nutes at the moment because of lack of cash. i heard using baking soda or organic apple cider vinegar will work to help eliminate and prevent it. do you know about this?
  11. scottdamiano

    Whats Wrong With My Plants? HELP

    are the white dots on the leafs a spider mite problem. why are my bottom leaves yellow. sorry this is my first post