Whats Wrong With My Plants? HELP


New Member
im not using any nutes at the moment because of lack of cash. i heard using baking soda or organic apple cider vinegar will work to help eliminate and prevent it. do you know about this?


New Member
i wiped off the WPM with a wet paper towel and then sprayed my plants with a hydrogen peroxide and water mixture. hope this helps

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Just checking... Are the pots drainging well? I've used 1 part hydrogen peroxide 4 parts water to water plants and get rid of mildew/fungus. Helps soil and doesn't hurt roots or plant.

You don't have a spider mite problem unless you are seeing some single strands of a web on the plants. The mites live on the underside of the leaves.


New Member
Yes the pots do drain well as far as i know. How can i tell i have good enough drainage? And that's good to know that i don't because i used to have them outside and they did have strands of webs but once i brought them inside they seemed to no longer be living with my plants

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Yes the pots do drain well as far as i know. How can i tell i have good enough drainage? And that's good to know that i don't because i used to have them outside and they did have strands of webs but once i brought them inside they seemed to no longer be living with my plants
Humm webs you say... could be spider mites.... check the under side of your leafs for very tiny bugs, you will see them crawling around.... there the size of a nettle tip.... as for the powdery mildew you need to got rid of that asap and keep after it.... now that your plants have it , it will come back if you don't keep up on it.... look online for organic ways to cure your plant.... I've Hurd about baking soda works for some.... just when u spray you must cover WHOLE PLANT WITH A light mist.... And hope you don't have mites.... check bottoms of leafs and let me know


New Member
Yeah they did have some small webs on the edges of the leafs so i thought they were mites but when i looked nude the leafs there was nothing there so i just carefully pulled them off and brought my plants inside and the webs never came back im glad about that. But now the WPM started showing up.i wiped off the WPM and sprayed them last night i also sprayed the soil too as i heard that it airates the soil doesn't hurt the plant. How often should i be spraying my plants with the hydrogen peroxide water mix?
I used 1 cup hydrogen peroxide to a gal. Of filtered water. I think that the plants might have a nitrogen deff.


New Member
Yeah i have a fan with a duct sucking in air from outside and i leave the box open through out the day to let the air escape. I know i need some more fans. I haven't gave them nutrients yet. i used soil that i dug up from the woods behind me. Any ideas on what i can do to make the grow box better. My lights are two 23w 1600 lumens and six 14w 800 lumens CFLs on the three plants. And my light cycle is 24/0



Well-Known Member
Nutrients will HAVE to be introduced at some point. There are elements available and not available in your soil choice. This is where those deficiencies will show. As far as soil from the woods , I would have at least added Vermiculite or Perlite to the soil mix. It looks a little compacted.
How will you be able to know what the PH of the water you are using ?
You are also wasting light energy that could be reflected to the plants , your CFLs emit most of its light from the sides , use some kind of reflector.



New Member
I originally wanted to try a ALL organic grow but i now realize that i do need some nutes. And i just got some new soil and it has perlite. But im having some trouble switching the soil. And these little black flies keep flying around i think they are gnats. how can i easily get rid of them. I think i may be overwatering. And im not 100% on the water but i use filtered 5gal water.


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