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  1. That FL Guy

    MarsHydro 300w

    HAHAHA.....Well, I went the cheaper rotue this time, but I'm already getting the feeling that there will be a few "upgrades" in the future...LOL I never could just leave well enough alone :-)
  2. That FL Guy

    MarsHydro 300w

    Good info. I've read all different height recommendations....but I would assume the closer the better. Def going to have to see how the plant reacts and adjust from there. Yes, exactly...its the 60x 5w model. I guess its the newer "old" model. When I run my light, temps only go up 4-5...
  3. That FL Guy

    MarsHydro 300w

    Hell yea.....I'd be very happy with that! Very nice! :-)
  4. That FL Guy

    MarsHydro 300w

    The model I have is the white, older model. Looks like the same model you have. I know a few people say they are loud, cheap, etc.....From what I can see, looks like they are working well for you! :-)
  5. That FL Guy

    Northern Lights Auto - 150w LED

    I'll def let you know when I start....should be in a few weeks :-) All in all, looks like you have some really nice plants!
  6. That FL Guy

    Total Noob here - Advice Appreciated!

    So, I understand using a "dummy" pot in my final, makes transplant easier, while extending the cook time of my soil. The questions I have are: 1) Since I'm growing an auto strain, I've read its not recommended to transplant (But, I've read other posts that say it really depends on the...
  7. That FL Guy

    MarsHydro 300w

    Cool...I appreciate the info!
  8. That FL Guy

    Total Noob here - Advice Appreciated!

    OK cool....thanks again!
  9. That FL Guy

    Origin of northern lights name?

    Great info....thanks!!!!
  10. That FL Guy

    Total Noob here - Advice Appreciated!

    Another question for ya..... I have some Black Strap Molasses on had. Would it be wise to add a bit to my soil mix while it cooks? I know it helps feed the beneficial bacteria in the soil, just not sure if I should just hold off until I actually start my grow. Just a thought......
  11. That FL Guy

    Total Noob here - Advice Appreciated!

    Yea, I was afraid I went a bit overboard with my amendments. I do have more LW on hand, so I can definitely add more to lighten up the mix. I know the ocean Forrest has oyster shells for PH control, but I read a whole bunch of posts from some people claiming the PH was low out of the bag. I...
  12. That FL Guy

    Total Noob here - Advice Appreciated!

    Yea, I initially started thinking I was going to do the whole liquid nutes route, but after reading about the organic route, I totally changed my mind. Glad I did. I'm sure it will take alot of time and self education (along with the great info everyone here has provided). But, I think the...
  13. That FL Guy

    MarsHydro 300w

    Yes, agreed, I'm sure if I continue growing, I'll need to upgrade at some point. But, I figured I'd give it a go, see what the results are. I'll def post some pics once I start! Thanks for the info guys!
  14. That FL Guy

    Total Noob here - Advice Appreciated!

    Thanks so much for the info, Green! Well, looks like I'll be starting in the Light Warrior, as suggested. I have about a weeks cook time on the soil, will def give it at least another 3 as you suggested. I'm eager to get going, but no sense burning a plant if it can be avoided. And yes, I will...
  15. That FL Guy

    MarsHydro 300w

    Got the light for about 70 off ebay (new). I guess I'll give it a shot, see how it goes. If I'm not liking the progress, I can always switch to HID in the future.
  16. That FL Guy

    MarsHydro 300w

    LOL :-) All good....I have it set up in my tent, doesn't seem all that loud, but maybe I got lucky quality wise. Just wondering about the performance? Is it a decent light for a single plant grow? Will I need any supplemental lighting?
  17. That FL Guy

    Hey, what's up? I was referred to you from the LED forum….just wanted to get your opinion on the...

    Hey, what's up? I was referred to you from the LED forum….just wanted to get your opinion on the MarsHydro 300w lights with 5w diodes....any info you have would be appreciated.....Thanks!
  18. That FL Guy

    MarsHydro 300w

    OK awesome....thank you!
  19. That FL Guy

    USA seedbanks

    Maybe a noob question here, but do USA seed banks only ship to med legal states? Or do they ship anywhere?
  20. That FL Guy

    MarsHydro 300w

    Hey guys, just wanted to see if anyone has any opinions/reviews on the newer model MarsHydro with the 5w diodes. If you have personal experience, would love to hear. I'm starting a small (one plant) personal grow in a 2x2x5 grow tent. Im sure there are better quality lights out there, but at...