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  1. Juan Irish


    Hey. It looks nice. Keep it up.(:
  2. Juan Irish

    Yellowing and reddening of leaves

    It looks like nutrient deficiency in my opinion but I may be wrong.
  3. Juan Irish

    Organic... Flush needed?

    I also think you don't need flushing. How old your plant?
  4. Juan Irish

    I ordered some SinMints from Bonza earlier this year. grown them, smoked them, loved them
  5. Juan Irish

    Welcome New Members!

    Girl looks good. How old is it? Probably it is still early to confirm sex.
  6. Juan Irish

    Bonzaseeds Experience

    Ive always found bonza to be straight talking, no bullshitting seed company. i'm not here to suck or whatever but i order beans, they send beans and when i needed to speak to them there was some body avalable on live chats. they pretty good in my opinon.
  7. Juan Irish

    Obama Kush

    :clap: very good man! I like creative people.
  8. Juan Irish

    Some kind of def ? Help pls

    Looks like overfeeding for me.
  9. Juan Irish

    How's my startup???? Let me know pls

    positive start. Good luck!
  10. Juan Irish

    Infrared cameras?

    Don't worry, my friend uses them and nothing bad happens.
  11. Juan Irish

    Stevie Ray Vaughan

    sad and grieve