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  1. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    "It's not, 'How bi are you?' It's 'Buy, how are you?' "
  2. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    Ultimately, I wanted to share my experience in the region: biggest plants went in mid-April. People can believe or disbelieve. Check out this NorCal growers Goji OG and what he says (alas, another anecdote).
  3. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    Yes, I agree, soil temperature is a factor to be considered. That is why I mentioned morels having come and gone, " Generally, soil temperatures must reach 50 degress F before morels will begin to fruit in your area." Here is soil temperature graph for region in question, it is evident that...
  4. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    To be sure, my initial post was of / pertaining to Bodhi and Bodhi seeds. I really just wanted to put the information out there so that, primarily, the person that was told he planted too early could see for himself that the breeder (near same latitude) also plants at that time frame that he...
  5. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    It could reduce your "butt hurt," give it a shot!!!
  6. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    Haha, yeah just "one" piece of evidence. Here's another anecdote for you: you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. See, that applies here in that, you can show @kmog33 when the breeder plants his seeds, day length calendars, and actual temperatures for Region In Question...
  7. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    That "one dude" happens to be Bodhi, dude.
  8. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    You are incorrect again, those are some of the northern and southern most cities in KY, so from approx 36.6 - 39 degrees lat. ^^^Will you be able to admit that or can you argue around it too?
  9. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    I've learned you can not admit to being wrong in regards to day length / photoperiod / seedlings / specific regions so you put words in my mouth and try to shift the focus to temperature in hopes that you can "win" there. However, from the first time I addressed this issue I spoke of frost...
  10. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    Hey check this, zero frost in all of April, and these temperature ranges coupled with precipitation probably explain why it was a bumper year for morels (season has come And gone already). Hummingbirds have arrived weeks ago also, you know, they migrate and return when there are flowers and...
  11. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    Ahhh yes, back to the issue at hand! Length of day... You see, that is something that changes very, very minimally every year. (So I'm in agreement with you @Tangerine_ , looking to sunrise/sunset tables as one major guide, this was the crux of kmogg 's and I previous argument). As you can see...
  12. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

  13. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    @kmog33 I presented the information, that was my only objective. Any concerned parties are obviously free to draw whatever conclusions they personally deem fit ✌
  14. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    @kmog33 Nice attempt to pivot from the original issue: photoperiod. You guys, from CA, told dude that, effectively, he did wrong by planting in April, and that is why he experienced pre-mature onset of flowering. From CA, you've told us what can and can't be done in our region. I presented...
  15. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    You see, the issue never revolved around Los Angeles, no one asked you about LA. Right here you speak of KY and say "April too early to plant (seeds)."
  16. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    Good question, the latitude in question, and from which experience was drawn to give advice, was around 37th Parallel. You can see for yourself where NorCal lies, Bodhi's region, right below. Bodhi plants in ground as you can read in comments and as he states on Adam Dunn Show. @kmog33 With...
  17. ForRealz

    bodhi seeds

    Bodhi-Heads: For your education and entertainment, may it please the Court... You may remember, last June @jtp92 had issues with early flowering after planting Bodhi gear from seed in April. I told him from experience, that at his latitude, starting seeds in April (barring a late frost) is...
  18. ForRealz

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Niiiice! Can't go wrong with a well-fitting Hashmask!!! @Gonefishn7420
  19. ForRealz

    exotic genetix

    @madininagyal Should be legit, I got 17 beans in my Kimbo Kush! Gutbuster is Kimbo x Cookies n Cream, obviously... You get em from SHN? Edit: just saw your next post where you said you got at auction. .. Did it come in the tamper resistant box w holographic seal intact? Kimbo has been known to...
  20. ForRealz

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Hashmask = Koffee (Alien OG x Alien Kush f2) x Gasmask (Cherry Pie / Alien Kush f2 x Cherry Pie / Starfighter f2) Cherry Pit = Cherry Alien (Cherry Pie x Alien Kush f2) x Gasmask Exotic Genetix: Black Mamba = Mint Chocolate Chip (Mystery Cookies x Green Ribbon BX) x The Cube (Starfighter f1 x...