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  1. Ganja Enthusiast

    GHS Kings Kush and BB Chiesel

    Whats that Chiesel like? i got a few seeds of her and im debating rather to put it in my next grow.
  2. Ganja Enthusiast

    Black domina

    Great nuggetry ... those buds look damn tasty. Good job on the grow and good report.
  3. Ganja Enthusiast

    Dank! leaves?? wtf! no buds?

    what strain of weed are you growing? You're plant could be a very long flowering sativa that isn't filling out yet.
  4. Ganja Enthusiast

    Nirvana white widow smoke report

    This is probably why... you might have too strong of a soil with the seedlings. If you're going to use Mgrow then use the seedling starter soil mix and even then flush the soil thoroughly before planting a seed.
  5. Ganja Enthusiast

    Purple Kush male? female? or too early to tell?

    :lol:LOL seriously? :lol: Don't listen to this guy because male plants DO NOT produce buds. They do produce resin which in turn you can cut up a male plant and use it for cannabutter and such but males do not produce near as much resin as females. :blsmoke:
  6. Ganja Enthusiast

    8th week - is it ready for flowering?

    Flushing is when you give your plants nothing but water or water and molasses for a week (or longer) for the sole purpose of the plants using up whatever nutrients it has left. You do this so your weed burns clean and doesn't taste like shit.
  7. Ganja Enthusiast

    is she ready for harvest first time grow cfl

    I know how impatient you feel but trust me it's worth the wait. I fucked up on my first grow by cutting entirely too early. This grow I got going now is three weeks in flowering of some grapefruit medley. I know not to cut early cause the patience will pay off in the long run. BTW, nice buds...
  8. Ganja Enthusiast

    The cable guy might have seen a plant...

    To be on the safe side I would move the plant(s) somewhere for a week or maybe two weeks just to be safe. More than likely nothing will come out of this unless that cable guy is an asshole.