Dank! leaves?? wtf! no buds?


Active Member
well guys my first upstate new york grow is coming well, I covered up from frost last night and im checking whenever frost is gonna come in.

But i noticed on my kolas their is mainly tricomes on leaves and small leaves and their is a lot of white hairs and purple hairs on top of kolas. some smaller heads have white hairs with orange tips, im assuming these heads are "dying" faster. I dont have a scope or anything to look at my tricomes, however they look somewhat cloudy.

But their isnt actual "buds" theirs multiple leaves coated with tricomes and tons of white hair and arent dense what so ever. Is their any last minute thing i could add to my plant to make it bud more or more dense? Im already using molasses.

is their another phase? some one explain. I may cut down to early


It sounds like you're not there yet. I would hold off... Any chance of snapping a pic?

As far as nutes, look into gravity by emerald triangle, beastie blooms and cha-ching by fox farms, or even grape or sweet berry by botanicare for a little extra sweetness.


Well-Known Member
time is all u can give that plant, its not even close to being finished. Id let it grow as long as possible and it will fill out. if theres a bad enough frost just cut it down the next day if it starts to die and u should be fine


Active Member
thank you big ol' bong, hah love that name reminds me of the days when me and my friends used to do 6 footers together!
but i prob would've cut it down early if you didn't say something. any products that will help bud growth? any idea why all my huge bushy leaves all fell off once flowering started? and how much you think this plant will yield?


Well-Known Member
i would say that you still have at least two weeks left just to make sure run to radioshack and buy a microscope they are like 15$ and it will help out alot all of the leaves fell off because the plant is putting all of its energy into creating the bud if you let this plant go untill its all the way done u should get at least a quarter pound maybe more i cant really tell from the pics the plants usually fill out during the last week or two so i wouldnt be too worried about any other nutes if u are using molassas. plant lookes good just be patient and it will reward you


Active Member
Your plant is missing most of its fan leaves it uses to collect energy. Its no wonder you have small buds. Mystery solved. Where did the other half of the plant go?


Well-Known Member
it looks like a herd of starved giraffes were locked in a room with nothing but your plant in it... like the other guy said you got no leaves so your buds are just not coming along like they should be, most likely.


Well-Known Member
your plant looks great! it definately looks like it needs 3 weeks or so, and don't worry too much about losing fan leaves, it doesn't affect growth that much, most indoor growers flush there plants deliberatly to make the bud taste better, others have been known to trim them back to allow the buds to get more light, as apposed to the fan leaves. all in all your buds are just about where they should be, if you look at others pics you will notice a lot of strains are just about as far along as yours are right now, the real filling in and swelling happens the last few weeks so just give it time!


Active Member
your plant looks great! it definately looks like it needs 3 weeks or so, and don't worry too much about losing fan leaves, it doesn't affect growth that much, most indoor growers flush there plants deliberatly to make the bud taste better, others have been known to trim them back to allow the buds to get more light, as apposed to the fan leaves. all in all your buds are just about where they should be, if you look at others pics you will notice a lot of strains are just about as far along as yours are right now, the real filling in and swelling happens the last few weeks so just give it time!
just because they did so doesn't mean it was always the right thing to do. :roll:

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
your plant looks great!

doobiesnax, as for your yield. Keep in mind that cannabis plants are 70 to 75% water. Your yield will roughly be about 30% of what you're looking at right now!
In a "perfect world", you might get a half ounce of usable bud!

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
looks great to me, besides the bug bites all over your leaves, she is looking good, just be patient and in 3-4 weeks you will have a beauty!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
looks great to me, besides the bug bites all over your leaves, she is looking good, just be patient and in 3-4 weeks you will have a beauty!!!!!!!
In upstate NY , we don't have 3 or 4 more weeks. We only make it to the first . maybe second week of oct.
Doobs. What strain? Do you know?


Well-Known Member
your plant looks great! it definately looks like it needs 3 weeks or so, and don't worry too much about losing fan leaves, it doesn't affect growth that much, most indoor growers flush there plants deliberatly to make the bud taste better, others have been known to trim them back to allow the buds to get more light, as apposed to the fan leaves. all in all your buds are just about where they should be, if you look at others pics you will notice a lot of strains are just about as far along as yours are right now, the real filling in and swelling happens the last few weeks so just give it time!
Not really true at all. This is a prime example of why you DON'T get rid of all the fan leaves. Looks pretty sad for an outdoor plant to me. Bet it wishes it had a little surface area to gather the energy from the sun to continue cell growth. Oh wait, we don't want to start gettin' all scientific here. Plants need leaves, save the leaves, save the buds. Sorry, next time try to keep her healthier and she'll reward you.