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  1. seedycharacter

    Recommendations, please: 600w - 1000w LED lights

    Right now I am stuck between t5's and HID's for my 5 x 5 tent - the HID's sure seem like they will be less maintenance. But the heat......
  2. seedycharacter

    Recommendations, please: 600w - 1000w LED lights

    I agree - the price is sick.. they are lights. $400 plus each. yipes. At that price I will have to stick with what's proven and when I start seeing the world all agreeing there is nothing better then maybe I will go that way
  3. seedycharacter

    Cat and Peach's 2K grow (Green Crack/GDP)

    Thanks Rosey - Looking good!
  4. seedycharacter

    TJ's 300w HPS Tent

    this is what my 15th day looks like with cfl's and hydroponics dwc. I think they are squatty, which I guess is ok. Do they look ok?
  5. seedycharacter

    Cat and Peach's 2K grow (Green Crack/GDP)

    I'm thinking I will go with HID's but not sure what wattage to use. 400, 600, 1000?
  6. seedycharacter

    Cat and Peach's 2K grow (Green Crack/GDP)

    Hey guys, I still haven't fount out the best places to pose questions I have. I hope here is ok. can anyone advise me on wattage for a 5'x5' tent?
  7. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    This is one of my 2 day old Strawberry AK's
  8. seedycharacter

    uploading pictures

    ok, sorry - have been trying to figure out how to do that.
  9. seedycharacter

    Thoughts about the apocalypse?

    It will be the slow depletion of the planet. Overcrowding and such. Well here in the states we have our guns. And people have been buying them up like crazy as things get worse.
  10. seedycharacter

    uploading pictures

    I can't see pictures that people post. any Ideas?
  11. seedycharacter

    has anyone seen these insects before?

    I can't see any of the images. Can anyone help me with that?
  12. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    Ok. Thanks. yeah 1st day here as a member. I have been doing a lot of research lately. I have been reading other pp's question and answer pages to get my info, here and other places. Just saved to fave's
  13. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    oops - I meant UN insulated building. Usually with just plastic covering the window openings
  14. seedycharacter


    Sounds like a terrible habit. yes?
  15. seedycharacter


    seriously? I think I have seen that in movies or what have you. I have never tried it. Just what I need.... another BAD habit. Ha..
  16. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    I just bought a 4' tall grow box that came "complete" with every thing I was supposed to need. It's ok. Backward a$$ company though. I bought from Colorado Grow Box
  17. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    Thank you! I haven't found the like option yet. where is it?
  18. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    Oh, ok. I have one of those. I don't really call that a space heater though. I am a carpenter and so when we use a space heater it is for a large insulated building when it is freezing out. Usually they run off of kerosene and stink, was thinking it might be bad for the plants. these not...
  19. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    Nice - looks like good stuff. I have been using rockwool and also jiffy discs. though I hear they can have ph problems. not sure yet. My rockwool seedlings are doing the best but had the earliest start and the choicest sprouts too.
  20. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    doesn't a space heater throw a lot of fumes? Kerosene? or what kind?