Is she died? I should have told her to drink the bong water from her meth bong. She'd be all kinds of fucked up

Put juice in it.
Meth when used properly is the best shit in the world

besides from weed, MAYBE shrooms, other highs cannot compare to the God-Tier alchemy that it is

This product has a social stigma, and for a good reason. However, just like weed was once shunned and misinterpreted, so is ice.

no, I aint bullshitting you, and also come with a warning in that

Don't over do any drug in life, make memories of it, and leave it at that.
unless you're gonna work at a methadone clinic as I am.
Have never tried meth. Too old for it now and the side effects sound frightening.

The Montana meth project scared me off. And the faces of meth.

Maybe I'll try it when I retire at 65?