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  1. C

    Bubble bag help please

    Hey, thanks guys for your replies! Thanks Magicgopher for your good advice. I did let the mixture sit for a half hour in the fridge.. I also let the mixture settle for a half hour.I think next time I will have all the bags together when I pour it through. So, Magicgopher and Matt, do you guys...
  2. C

    Bubble bag help please

    Hello Fellow Nature Lovers, My wonderful wife bought me some 1 gallon bubble bag brand bags' the 8 bag set for my recent bday. I was so psyched I have been asking for them for 3 years lol... Usually I just use my trim to make awesome oil or she and I make cannabutter to make edibles... But I...
  3. C

    Blue Moonshine (Dutch Passion)

    Dutch Passion Blue Moonshine was without a doubt the worst strain I ever had out of like 30 strains. Out of 2 fem 5 packs every single one that did germ (several did not) the ones that did were huge beasts that smelled of hay and lacked everything you love about herb.. They were absolute...
  4. C

    1994 summer tour greatful dead shirt, 16yo. should i ever wear this?

    I dont understand why you wouldnt wear it? I have a shitload of dead shirts its all I wear after work. although they def make you stand out a bit to cops. I had one on just the other night. Im blazing some blue widow w my fiance at our house, stoned out of my mind, and my parents neighbors...
  5. C

    The things EVERY grower should know...

    That was good info everyone should know. thanks.
  6. C

    I need a good strain?

    Nebula, Sensi Star or G-Force are all nice and flower in just about 60 days.. or try MK Ultra thats pretty nice and fast also. These are strains I have grown that I have been really happy with. Bought seeds from attitude seeds.
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    It's early, but I'm chopping!

    Its a mystery as to why you were still high the next day from that. Are they on week 5? They look nice but way early
  8. C

    Smell Issue

    Yeah make a little room or go buy a cheap tent. I have 2 under my basement stairs! That way you could buy a cheap duct booster fan and a decent carbon filter and you will be golden.
  9. C

    How do you get bud flavored?

    That is a ridiculous question. No offence.
  10. C

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    This is a stupid question but one that i am stressing over... is it safe to have a 25 dollar duct booster fan on for.... well mine has been on 24/7 for 8 months now... Is that un-safe? it works fine and isnt hot or anything. Just want peace of mind.. Im gonna replace it but wonder if its ok...
  11. C

    Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

    ridiculous... herb cures
  12. C

    Obamacare is Dead - Long Live Healthcare!

    Well, we will see what happens I guess. I hate politics
  13. C

    Obamacare is Dead - Long Live Healthcare!

    Wow, so basically I am going to be taxed more.... and it will only benefit lazy un-employed people and illegal immigrants... fuckin great. I hate Obama
  14. C

    If you visited China...Would you eat dog??

    I would never eat a dog, I like dogs more than people
  15. C

    Fav Neil Young song/version?

    I love the song Thrashers..
  16. C

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    hey all woke and baked with some nice 3month cured MK Ultra again... harvesting my sharksbreath and gforce this friday! Yay!
  17. C

    How much weed do you smoke on average, daily?

    wow 10 zips a week is hard-core. 1 oz can last me a whole month if I ration it
  18. C

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I love starting the day nice and high. I wish I got as high in the evening as I do in the morning tho... first high of the day is ALWAYS the best
  19. C

    whats the lowest youve stooped to to smoke weed?

    was hard up for herb in Mexico and smoked some crap that if I was here in US would have gone in the garbage... I only "stoop" if in a different country...