I need a good strain?


Anyone have any good strain that flower in 55-60 days. I am looking for quality and quanity. I like indica's. Also could you tell me which bank you bought the seeds from.

thanks guys

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Nebula, Sensi Star or G-Force are all nice and flower in just about 60 days.. or try MK Ultra thats pretty nice and fast also. These are strains I have grown that I have been really happy with.
Bought seeds from attitude seeds.


Well-Known Member
little vague. Most indicas are in that time frame.

Ok...I'll just go ahead and name the most famous indica of all time and be done with it.

Northern Lights. I've heard great things about Nirvana's (they are a sponsor of this site...should be pretty freakin' easy for you to find a link there) Northern Lights.

It'll be ready at 56 days...nice high...great for a beginner grower...lower odor in growth...and Nirvana's is cheap price but very good quality.

What more could you ask for?


Well-Known Member
Now if you want an inexpensive "will knock your dick in the dirt" strain. Try Nirvana's AK48. It's 1/2 indica, 1/2 sativa...but finishes in about 55 days. Did three grows with that...easy as farq to grow...taste is lightly sweet sandalwood if you do a good job of curing...and like I said...it's STRONG. Can get a little racy if you overindulge.

Oh almost forgot...it REEKS in flowering. Really smells to high heaven. Just a warning.