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  1. theonesx

    Now that I have a male, how can I make the best of it?

    turn it upside down and beat it in front of the other plants. thewn tell them that is what will happen to the others is they go male...just kidding. make some oil out of him
  2. theonesx

    Radio Shack Microscope??????

    what is the difference between the illuminated and a regular microscope? We have not Radio Shack here anymore and all I canf ins is regular scopes. I can find the trich fine but they appear all coloured like blues and reds which I assume is because of the lighting on it?
  3. theonesx

    Does size matter? - Jar size?

    my wife seems to think size
  4. theonesx

    Past harvest time?

    areed your hands are ties, if there are lots of red/orange hairs - your are close anyways
  5. theonesx

    Serious issues...

    the eaves will naturally starts to yellow towards the end of the growing cycle, which is natural since it is reading the end of it's life. i could not see muck for spots so it does not look look like nute burn to me. Did the plants leaves start to yellow at the bottom and work its way up, if...
  6. theonesx

    yielding question

    Yes. When you send the p,ants into flower it will be approx 9 weeks before it finishes.
  7. theonesx

    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    I am personally a 18/6 fan, I mean saves money gives the plants and equpiment time to rest, I mean what does not need rest/sleep? I have done the 24hr thing and personally I did not notice much of a difference, but either way you should have good resulkts provided the other elements are looked...
  8. theonesx

    do i leave fans on all time or just when the lights are on???

    agreed, have the fans go in the dark, it is good to ensure the air does not get stagnant and it also helps for pests, plants streangh and a lot of other things I will not totally get into. depending on your set up sopme people will have the fans on less in the dark to help with temp control but...
  9. theonesx


    It all depends on your lighting system ect. but long and short lift up the cups if the soild looks dry and the cup feels light it is time to water. After the fist couple times you will get a schedule down on your own to use going forward. remember this is a weed and needs to be treated as...
  10. theonesx

    5 weeks into flowering. nitrogen def ?? help

    Plants will yellow when they get close to being ready to harvest, like what, canola and other crops. Sounds like you are on the right patch at your stage do not add nitrogen it will only cause the buds to streach and become fluffy.
  11. theonesx

    Ready for harvest? How do they look? Pics

    Dude hang dry them in a dark place for a couple days. Then move to a paper bag for like a week ensure to open the bag twice a day and move the buds - keep a close eye out for mold. After that put into fars for a couple weeks but again ensure to burp them and watch for mold. if I have a nice...
  12. theonesx

    Do you think these are ready to harvest?

    agreed. All leaves will yesllow when in flowering and will continue through out the journey. I would give it some molasses to see if you can help with the density.
  13. theonesx

    Intentional Stretching

    I agree, not much good ever comes from streching
  14. theonesx

    Are Plants going to taste like febreze ???

    I would be interested to see how it turns out. From what i ahve heard there is a good chance you will have some of the odour caught up in the taste
  15. theonesx

    hidding the smell from parents?!?!?

    this has nothing to do with what you said but....dam.... that pic is amazing, hopefully it is yours or your ladies and not stolen off the net. man.... awesome!!!!!
  16. theonesx

    hidding the smell from parents?!?!?

    burnnnn!! caught under age man... sad sad sad...... nice work as always fdd
  17. theonesx

    Grow Stores...

    north of the 49th and there is one guy who is a god at the store I go to. Although no one says what we are growing - we all know....... here you do not have lights for tomatoes. There was this one day there was a huge snow storm like no one on the road, but I left the nutes to the...
  18. theonesx

    Fighting pollination

    might help, but will not work completly. Why not get the males the f out??
  19. theonesx

    Miracle Grow nutes

    Personally I would not use MG but thats me personally too many hoorer stories out there. What you have would work for vegging, but starts at a 1/4 strengh or less to start to ensure you will not nute burn your gals....
  20. theonesx

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    okay the stories have seem to dropped off, so here is one although I would not necessarily consider it one of my craziest... In grade 12 in between finals I had a major project due in my AI class which was photography at the time. I was working in the dark room alone when my Gf at the time...