hidding the smell from parents?!?!?


New Member
no no.. Dont get me wrong..If its your kids and thats how ur raising them then its totally up to you.. Im not trying to play "holyer than thou" .. not at all.. Im just giving my opinion. I just think that anyone under 18 has too much other stuff to focus on besides getting high is all. To each his own I say.


Well-Known Member
Its all about how you raise your kids. You can make them not smoke weed or grow weed, or never jackoff or do anything drug or bad thing in their entire life, and they can end up being complete losers. My parents have raisd me well, they tell me hte truth about drugs, and give me some freedom, not too much, I turned out to be a pretty good kid. Im not one of those "hip hop gangsta" baggy jeans shit faces, im not a jerk, im not a total fucking nerd or anything, im just pretty normal. My parents always told me that weed isn't a BAD drug, and even that they smoked it when they were kids too, but they always told me to stay off the hard stuff, and of course I listened to them.

Then again I will just have to say, alot of it is up to the kid themselves.

Some kids, you just cant reach. So you get a rotten kid , which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you do, but thats just how things work.


New Member
Parents make choices for kids until there of legal age, as it should be. ..But these days though its more like the kids are raising the parents.. And just look and see what mess the world is in because of it.


Well-Known Member
Im going to have to put my 2 cents in and say that I've been smoking ever since I was 14 and started smoking everyday when I was 15. I never wanted a highly stressful job and so I got what I wanted and here I am now working during the day and doing nothing but smoking when I get off work. But my job doesnt exactly involve brains I mean I'm a butcher. Its great because I can always bring myslef home a nice juicy steak or some nice pork chops.....mmmmhhhh
So kids I would say make your own decision but just think about if you truly want to live your life that way, I did but im not some junkie fuck(not trying to say anything bad about junkies)
have fun and live your life


New Member
Parents make choices for kids until there of legal age, as it should be. ..But these days though its more like the kids are raising the parents.. And just look and see what mess the world is in because of it.
My parents were abusive as hell and controlling and everything. It's horrible when a kid doesn't have his own life. Everyone should be allowed to be an individual, not be a clone of their parents.


Well-Known Member
this is what you do budah you sprinckle crack all over your room and they would just think your on crack


Active Member
Im going to have to put my 2 cents in and say that I've been smoking ever since I was 14 and started smoking everyday when I was 15. I never wanted a highly stressful job and so I got what I wanted and here I am now working during the day and doing nothing but smoking when I get off work. But my job doesnt exactly involve brains I mean I'm a butcher. Its great because I can always bring myslef home a nice juicy steak or some nice pork chops.....mmmmhhhh
So kids I would say make your own decision but just think about if you truly want to live your life that way, I did but im not some junkie fuck(not trying to say anything bad about junkies)
have fun and live your life

this has nothing to do with what you said but....dam.... that pic is amazing, hopefully it is yours or your ladies and not stolen off the net. man.... awesome!!!!!


Well-Known Member
back to the 1st question invite all your budys over if you have a big room your going to have to invite all your budys, and have lots of beans and eat alot and have everyone fart all at once the fart smell will over power the bud smell for a good 2 weeks then repete