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  1. R

    2010 Spring Menu

    isn't that vortex?
  2. R

    Best TGA yielder? Most potent? best high?

    i've got super parinoid from smoking Jc like crawl up in bed too much ganja food parinoia. The best TGA in my opinion is vortex. it consistantly knocks the socks off of everyone i know and i've grown jc1, 3d, spacecheeze,qleaner,vortex,flav,jtr,nss,dank 1 and the original cuts of...
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    vortex flowering size question

    in my experience vortex makes big buds everywhere so a big sagging bush will make big sagging buds all over which is not a bad thing at all.. vortex is my favorite strain now and is a mind destroyer... also mine which im almost postive is a pdx cut barely stretches at all after flowering
  4. R

    Anyone Ever Run Into Law Enforcement Issues?

    im in oregon, but ive got pulled over with a tray of clones and the cops looked at my card and asked if i used dirt or hydro and let me go cops also came to my house for an unrelated issue, smelled my garden. i showed them my card they asked to see my garden, they did and shook my hand and left.
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    Favorite All Time Strain/Local Strain

    when i lived in nebraska a willams wonder everyone grows called squeezed louise is legendary in my mind and also alot of transplanted nebraskans in oregon here tho def outdoor jacks cleaner f1
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    Super lemon haze or not?!?!?!

    looks alot like slh's i've grown out, flower them small they get really tall
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    OW! An ounce a plant in seven gallons. Help.

    do you have a light leak? I've had nice big plants that didn't yield because the was light getting in the room.
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    water weight

    on the jorge video that i think you can find a link for on here or breedbay, he says that a good way to know if your herb is dryed is to weigh it at wetness and then jar it when it is 1/4 the weight. i'm paraphrasing but if you search for the jorge video, you can find out exactly. i think hydro...
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    Purple Reefer

    my friend in eugene says about 8-10 years ago Soma was his neighbor. If soma lived here do you think his lavender is related to the urkle/lav or something totally different? just wondered out of curiosity
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    favorite sativa strains

    Durban Poison is super nice cause it's early, fruity and will yield tons also really like silver pearl, but it gets lanky, but it's also early
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    Are these babies sick or need more/less nutes?

    are those leafs just on the bottoms?
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    Miracle Grow Organic Soil?

    the best o.g. soil i've used is Roots Organics, it's local, but I'm pretty sure they're national now, in a camo bag. the shit is really nice and easy to use, although I feed 1/2 stregnth cause their dirt already has alot of nutrients
  13. R

    Hello From Or.

    just joined this forum a week or two ago and have been finding tons of usefull info I party legally as I have seziure and am registered with the ommp. romulan, silver pearl, atf,lavender and I just got a kush that is 5 weeks away so I'll see about that one. used to use chems and do hydro, but...