vortex flowering size question


Active Member
hi, i am currently growing vortex that seems to be more towards the "dynamo" phenotype. i have been vegging it for 3 months, heavy lst, i have only taken 2 clones off of it so far, growing in a 5 gallon rubbermaid trashcan in promix. I veg'd it under 4 26w blue spectrum CFLs with big reflectors. I kept the lights approximately 2-3 inches from the top of the canopy during a 24 hour light veg.

nutes are:
bio bizz grow
bio bizz heaven

foliar fed and root fed:
fish and seaweed/kelp extract

i plan to train the vortex shoots in a line most effective for a vertical 400w hps 5inches away for flowering.

flowering nutes:
bio bloom
bio heaven
RO water

i know that subcool recommends growing vortex in a wide sagging bush, but I was wondering what people's ideas to maximize my yield would be as well as an educated guess as to what I should yield in an average growing environment.

also, what is the stretch that I should expect from the dynamo pheno of vortex or just vortex in general.

also if anyone has journeyed into the vortex please share your experiences.

thanks and +rep :joint::mrgreen:

edit: ill try to get some pics for you guys later tonight


Active Member
My 400w is about 8 or 9 inches from the tops but I would think 5 inches away is great as long as the temps are good and no leaves are being burnt


Active Member
in my experience vortex makes big buds everywhere so a big sagging bush will make big sagging buds all over which is not a bad thing at all.. vortex is my favorite strain now and is a mind destroyer... also mine which im almost postive is a pdx cut barely stretches at all after flowering


Active Member
the 400w hps is setup vertically, with a fan underneath, blowing the hot air up and out of the grow site. i also have an air conditioner running right next to the op, keeping temps at a constant 78-80 degrees.

first is of my LA Woman

second is of the vortex, large bic lighter for comparison

third is of my kings kush, camera obviously sucks

fourth is of the grow op

fifth is the vortex again

quick question: does anyone think I should put a screen on top of the vortex pot for when the stretch comes on? maybe do a little vertical scrog.



Well-Known Member
I wanted to chime in here but I have never grown in a cab so my help will be limited I saw a 3 month veg and I am thinking bud that bitch hehe but then I read more and what I think is you wont get as much stretch as I do mearly because of light intensity. Also with Cannabis it helps to keep your temps constant light and dark to minimize stretch. I would deff screen Vortex it can end up sagging all over for us and I think we are going to start using upside down mater cages to up our lower yields as Vortex fill out really well all the way down and with more light I bet we can get 8 zipps on a bush.


Active Member
vortex has been in my top favs since my first encounter. my sister-in-law gifted me some 2 week old vortex seedlings that have fatter leaves than this phenotype. does anyone think that with my hps being so close, and the light intensity should help with stretch somewhat, will in the end lessen my yield? i am going to be tying down the stretching shoots so she can get max coverage during bloom; i dont want any of these buds to lack! i think once the stretch is done i might strip the lower leaves and such to lollipop the stronger shoots.

thanks all for the comments and input!!


Active Member
damn ended up being a male, going to continue flowering it in a different grow room and save the pollen. I just ordered some super silver haze from attitude and received all the freebies as well. maybe a SSH x Vortex, and Chronic x Vortex?

i'm not too bummed about finding out its a male because it was a very strong growing plant, and very nice uniformed growth as well as some early resin development.

whether or not anyone watches this, I'll be updating the breeding project as time goes on.


Well-Known Member
I vegged a mother vortex for the last 3 months in Soil Hybrid DWC. FUKKINRITE BUDDY!!!

It’s in a 30 gal res and I can’t keep water in it for a day. It is being transplanted into a 300 gal commercial fishing tote where it will finish a flower cycle and be re-vegged. She is over 6 feet tall. And about the same in diameter. It’s under 2000watts indoors (1000 MH 1000HPS). She is on a rolling cart that gets moved outdoors to enjoy Alaska's phenomenal sunlight during the days its nicer outside than in the grow room.

The kicker? She shares her environment with a Third Dimension mother that is even bigger! WTF?

I am waiting on my new cam to come in; I will post a pic here. And link you to a journal when it’s up.