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  1. cookoutwhenimhigh

    Male or Female? Help!

    So Im clear and understanding now the first two pictures are males. But how about the 3rd and 4th picture? Is this female? It is not like the first two pictures and is the only other plant I have right now showing signs of sex. All the others still have no signs so I am hoping that because...
  2. cookoutwhenimhigh

    Male or Female? Help!

    Hey guys, this is my second post and I need a little help. I'm clearly new to this but I need help determine sex right now because I think I have some males. The first two photos are separate plants that I believe are males The next two pictures are from the same plant but I think it may be...
  3. cookoutwhenimhigh

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    I really appreciate all the fast responses guys! I guess I will just give it another week at 12/12 and see if anything starts to show.
  4. cookoutwhenimhigh

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    Do you think I put them into flower too soon? I only did so because I did not want them getting higher than a few feet, and they are now almost 3 1/2 feet high.
  5. cookoutwhenimhigh

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    And I really do appreciate your reply and any info you can give me.
  6. cookoutwhenimhigh

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    where do you see the pollen sacs? Thats the issue I am trying to get at as I don't see any sacs or hairs to show if its male or female. They just look as if they are growing more leaves. I also thought I had plenty of time to see the sex before having to separate the boys and girls? Again, I'm...
  7. cookoutwhenimhigh

    12/12 and no signs of sex?

    Hey everyone, My first post and yes I am a n00b when it comes to growing so be nice please! Here is my issue This is the second grow I've ever done. My first grow was injected by my fathers dog sadly about 2 days into flowering. Here I am on my second grow, no idea what strain it is as I just...