12/12 and no signs of sex?

Hey everyone,

My first post and yes I am a n00b when it comes to growing so be nice please! Here is my issue

This is the second grow I've ever done. My first grow was injected by my fathers dog sadly about 2 days into flowering. Here I am on my second grow, no idea what strain it is as I just used seeds I got from buying bud. From seed I have done everything correct. I let all plants veg until they were about a foot and a half high as I knew they double in size during flower.

I started flowering a week ago and have NO signs of sex from what I can tell. The plants have sky rocketed growing over a foot and a half since flowering on a 12/12 cycle (I merged from 24/0, then to 18/6, now at 12/12). I use no fertilizer, no growing products, just no products what so ever. I used organic soil and water. My room has no light leaks besides maybe a mil-second of a phone light if I have to leave my bedroom to use the restroom. Completely indoor grow. They look so healthy, and green, without any issues so far (knocks on wood). Does it take much longer than a week to show signs? Can I influence flowering faster? I have read maybe doing a 10/14 light schedule? I have attached a few photos of them.IMG_5034.JPG IMG_5036.JPGIMG_5038.JPG IMG_5035.JPG


First thing first mystery seeds from bud u buy is a no no ...but honestly I feel you because I'm actually considering it myself


Secondly from what I see in the first pic is that your main 2 big plants the left is a male because you can see little pollen sacks the big 1 on the back right of the first pic is a female because of the little strands sticking up always remember guys have balls/sacks and females don't....the second and fourth pic are kinda tough to say but the third is surely female ....the other surrounding plants are kinda a mystery ATM...but it seems as if they haven't vegged enough yet to show signs of sex...so given time..you could try clipping a clone from each smaller plant and force the clone to bud by giving the clone 12/12 and once the sex shows discard the clone and label the parent male or female...but only if you are trying to figure out the sex of your plant..CLONES WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE SAME GENETICS AS ITS PARENT.


Also if you don't want bud with seeds you might wanna remove that male on the left far as hell away frum the female because there's only a small window to do so b4 the male pollen sacks grow and pop open and release pollen ...Therefore fertilizing the female,forcing the female to bud with seeds,and eventually slowly killing your beautiful lady...ultimately your plant will need plenty of light during vegging so 18/6 is good enough ...the only way to force budding is to change 18/6 to 12/12 but only when well into vegging or making clones ..as it may cause stress amongst your plants...hope this helped it was a hell of a lot UV typing.
Secondly from what I see in the first pic is that your main 2 big plants the left is a male because you can see little pollen sacks the big 1 on the back right of the first pic is a female because of the little strands sticking up always remember guys have balls/sacks and females don't....the second and fourth pic are kinda tough to say but the third is surely female ....the other surrounding plants are kinda a mystery ATM...but it seems as if they haven't vegged enough yet to show signs of sex...so given time..you could try clipping a clone from each smaller plant and force the clone to bud by giving the clone 12/12 and once the sex shows discard the clone and label the parent male or female...but only if you are trying to figure out the sex of your plant..CLONES WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE SAME GENETICS AS ITS PARENT.
where do you see the pollen sacs? Thats the issue I am trying to get at as I don't see any sacs or hairs to show if its male or female. They just look as if they are growing more leaves. I also thought I had plenty of time to see the sex before having to separate the boys and girls? Again, I'm new so bare with me! It's just everything I have read and seen online I have absolutely no signs of sex from what I can see.
Also if you don't want bud with seeds you might wanna remove that male on the left far as hell away frum the female because there's only a small window to do so b4 the male pollen sacks grow and pop open and release pollen ...Therefore fertilizing the female,forcing the female to bud with seeds,and eventually slowly killing your beautiful lady...ultimately your plant will need plenty of light during vegging so 18/6 is good enough ...the only way to force budding is to change 18/6 to 12/12 but only when well into vegging or making clones ..as it may cause stress amongst your plants...hope this helped it was a hell of a lot UV typing.
And I really do appreciate your reply and any info you can give me.

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
I dont see any definitive signs of sex yet, no pistils or pollen sacs, dont do any thing rash yet . Keep the plants at 12/12 and leave them there, do not interupt the light cycle for even one second on the dark phase. Have patients and they will start to show sex . The two green things sticking out are NOT pre flowers, they grow on all plants male and female. The guy that told you that he see's sex is full of shit .


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with bagseed, chemdog was a bagseed... just about every elite cut out there is from bagseed


Well-Known Member
if you run out of height, once it's mature and sexed you could take mature clones and they will respond to the photoperiod better and perhaps give you more room. (starting over with a fresh, mature sexed, small clone) If your lights are height adjustable that could help too. Other than that I got nothin on your question.

Look for alternating nodes as signs of maturity.
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Well-Known Member
Secondly from what I see in the first pic is that your main 2 big plants the left is a male because you can see little pollen sacks the big 1 on the back right of the first pic is a female because of the little strands sticking up always remember guys have balls/sacks and females don't....the second and fourth pic are kinda tough to say but the third is surely female ....the other surrounding plants are kinda a mystery ATM...but it seems as if they haven't vegged enough yet to show signs of sex...so given time..you could try clipping a clone from each smaller plant and force the clone to bud by giving the clone 12/12 and once the sex shows discard the clone and label the parent male or female...but only if you are trying to figure out the sex of your plant..CLONES WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE SAME GENETICS AS ITS PARENT.
Did you read the post or title of the thread? If the plants are in flower how would someone take clones and force them to bud? All the posts you've made in this thread are incorrect you should get some more experience before trying to teach others.
I dont see any definitive signs of sex yet, no pistils or pollen sacs, dont do any thing rash yet . Keep the plants at 12/12 and leave them there, do not interupt the light cycle for even one second on the dark phase. Have patients and they will start to show sex . The two green things sticking out are NOT pre flowers, they grow on all plants male and female. The guy that told you that he see's sex is full of shit .
Whats wrong with bag seed? Have you had a lot of problems growing them?
if you run out of height, once it's mature and sexed you could take mature clones and they will respond to the photoperiod better and perhaps give you more room. (starting over with a fresh, mature sexed, small clone) If your lights are height adjustable that could help too. Other than that I got nothin on your question.

Look for alternating nodes as signs of maturity.
I really appreciate all the fast responses guys! I guess I will just give it another week at 12/12 and see if anything starts to show.


Well-Known Member
Sexing is a hormone thing usually taking one to two weeks , under cfls everything is slowed down a little plus u could drop those lites a little and slow that stretch . I agree with someone ^^^^ at this point with limited hieght you should figure out the sex and take some clones 6/10 or at least do a little bending to increase your yield .
Peace out bare


Did you read the post or title of the thread? If the plants are in flower how would someone take clones and force them to bud? All the posts you've made in this thread are incorrect you should get some more experience before trying to teach others.
His plants aren't even in the flower sta-...u know what nvm I'm obviously stupid r something ...next time b the 1 who replys with help some1 wen they ask your totally right sir

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with bagseed, chemdog was a bagseed... just about every elite cut out there is from bagseed
With bag seed you may or may not know what you have. Hybrids can be finicky to damn near impossible to get your nutes. right. It can be double diff. for beginners. I suggest buying some Fem. seeds rated as easy or beginner from a bank. Next grow I would crop my plant above the 2nd or 3rd node, you will get better use out of your CFLs.


With bag seed you may or may not know what you have. Hybrids can be finicky to damn near impossible to get your nutes. right. It can be double diff. for beginners. I suggest buying some Fem. seeds rated as easy or beginner from a bank. Next grow I would crop my plant above the 2nd or 3rd node, you will get better use out of your CFLs.
Thank you !


Well-Known Member
Don't be afraid of a seed guys, if it gives you trouble punt it and plant another.

What strains today aren't "hybrids", gimme a break guys...

@cookoutwhenimhigh, nothing wrong with your bag seed run bro, done it many many times as has just about everyone who has grown since humans been doing this. Looks like you have it well dialed in, bongsmilie give em a week or two and you'll know their sex.