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  1. Frigyes layman

    Making LSD/PCP - Is this a joke?

    Ok it seems I was wrong and can admit it here is the actual and very simple recipe for 4-MeO-Phencyclidine Now all instructions can be found on Erowid but here it is A solution of 6.3g sodium bisulfite in 21 mL of water was cooled in an ice bath. 5.3g (5.03 mL) of cyclohexanone was added with...
  2. Frigyes layman

    Making LSD/PCP - Is this a joke?

    Freebasing chemical/anhydrous salt which includes (baking soda or lye or cold packs NaOH) ice water and piperine to create freebase piperidine cyclohexane (cyanide included) must be oxidized by gas irspolye alcohol potassium permanganate KMNO4 ammonia the only ketones that react though are...
  3. Frigyes layman

    Making LSD/PCP - Is this a joke?

    I would really like to know if the synthesis I said above works or not
  4. Frigyes layman

    Making LSD/PCP - Is this a joke?

    I heard that pcp can be synthesisd with this recipe is it real Freebasing chemical/baking soda or lye NaOH cyanide aluminum chloride detergent car starter and piperidine