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  1. M

    Bubbleponics slow grow

    I meant still water, like tap water but bottled from somewhere in the country. I tested one today and it sitted at 120ppm, far better than my tap at 300ppm Every time I increase even slightly the nutes I notice new spots/burns on the leaves :( It is decided than, I'll buy a ro-di unit :D...
  2. M

    Bubbleponics slow grow

    Thanks for all the comments guys! It seems that the hard water that I have available might not be suitable for he grow... but RO water is not available for me, only still water from grocery stores. Would that help you think? Cheers
  3. M

    Bubbleponics slow grow

    Ppm is going down daily as the plants are consuming the nutes. For example just now the ppm was 385. The roots look normal to me, maybe you spot something? I'm using GeneralHydroponics trio only, will start using canazym next week. Here's a neat comparasion :)
  4. M

    Bubbleponics slow grow

    Hi guys, Today is day 13 and I'm not sure of whats going on with the girls. I thought that the yellowing and dry leaves would stop happening but more and more leaves are showing the same issues. Check it out: The photos are from the same plant, the other 2 have something similar. Ppm on 400...
  5. M

    Bubbleponics slow grow

    I see, it makes sense now. Living and learning! Well instead of increasing nutes I actually cleaned the whole system, the res had quite a lot of solid stuff in the bottom, so I take it was a good idea... ppm stands at 400. Thanks for advices bro :)
  6. M

    Bubbleponics slow grow

    The seeds have since grown a lot! The only action I did was to lower my ppm to 400 instead of the original 600. Now actually there is another problem I think. As you can tell some leaves from the first and second picture are turning yellow and crispy. From what I have been reading one...
  7. M

    Bubbleponics slow grow

    Yeah I believe it's calibrated, the thing is I was overduing the ph. I see from your other comment that I should really go to RO water. That's tricky though cause in the super makert nearby they don't sell it, only well water on bottles. Maybe I could invest in one of those equipment that you...
  8. M

    Bubbleponics slow grow

    Thanks for that, I'll stick to it and see how it looks in a week. And yes the last one does looks a bit odd :) Yeah that's a good idea, just found the results from my local water provider: My interpretation is that I indeed have a lot of Calcium and Calcium Cabonate! What are your...
  9. M

    Bubbleponics slow grow

    Hi guys, I've started my first grow ever in a bubbleponics system! After germinated the seeds I planted them in rockwool and tried to follow everything I've learned and read. It's a 13 gallons res for 3 plants in a 2.5x2.5x6 feet tent. Water top fed 24/7 and LED MarsHydro 600w 24/7...
  10. M

    Bubbleponics/DWC top fed seedling issue HELP

    Oh dudes, just started my first grow... now you've got me worried! I'll definitely follow some advises I read here.
  11. M

    The UK Growers Thread!

    oh where I live its just OK on best days, maybe just here then :)
  12. M

    The UK Growers Thread!

    As a new resident in the UK, I must say I feel sad for how much you've been paying for shitty product :( Just started my first indoor grow this week!!