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  1. Tree Skier

    Wettable powder from Cold War Organics

    You should try it, Karah. It really works well.
  2. Tree Skier

    Wettable powder from Cold War Organics

    Sorry Karah. I don't look at Rollitup very often and someone sent me a link.
  3. Tree Skier

    Wettable powder from Cold War Organics

    If you go to YouTube and search Cold War Organics, there's a 1-minute video showing how to mix their wettable powder. Hope that helps.
  4. Tree Skier

    Taco shaped leaves

    P.S. Excessive heat didn't make sense either because only one plant was affected and they are all getting the same amount of sun.
  5. Tree Skier

    Taco shaped leaves

    I had the same problem on one outdoor plant but, because it was only happening to one plant and not the others, I knew it wasn't a nutrient deficiency. I looked carefully at the leaves and couldn't find any sign of insect damage or ovipositioning. I figured that the only thing left was something...
  6. Tree Skier

    Buds with possible mites = bad to smoke?

    Disgusting as it may be, it's highly unlikely that a pathogen (any pathogen) can survive the heat and fire in burning reefer and then infect you with disease. But, before you do your final trimming, whack the branch of dry buds against a wall. That will dislodge most of the mites. If you've...
  7. Tree Skier

    Micronized organic nutes

    Insoluble N = protein = food for biology = healthy plants.
  8. Tree Skier

    Micronized organic nutes

    NeboMMX, Let me know what you think of the Bud Bread after you've tried it.
  9. Tree Skier

    Micronized organic nutes

    For those of us who are lucky enough to have access to vermicompost, you're absolutely right.
  10. Tree Skier

    Micronized organic nutes

    You make some valid points but irrigation often takes place in soil environments and it's a convenient way of delivering nutes. Moreover, even in a hydroponic environment, there's plenty of biological activity in the rhizosphere. Plants couldn't survive without it. And carbon-based, organic...
  11. Tree Skier

    Micronized organic nutes

    The micronized is just so that you can mix it with water.
  12. Tree Skier

    Ph Question - Tap water is 8.9 -Clackimus Coots Organic Soil

    1/4-lb finely ground sulfur per cubic yard of soil will lower pH by 0.5-1.0 point. Carefully adding too much at once as it can create anaerobiosis (too little oxygen) in the soil. Max application rate, 1/2-lb/cu. yd. soil per season.
  13. Tree Skier

    Micronized organic nutes

    Awesome stuff, dude. I've heard nothing but good things about CWO Bud Bread. I can't wait to try it. Website is really cool.