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  1. 2stonerstrying

    First grow is now drying!!

    I know hindsight is great
  2. 2stonerstrying

    First grow is now drying!!

    I got just under 2oz of bud so for a first grow I'm delighted I won't grow again for a while as we had a visit from the police the other day, an incidental one a first for everything there timing was horrendous I'd just burped my jars and they asked about th smell I owned up to using it for...
  3. 2stonerstrying

    First grow is now drying!!

    Any advice you have on curing gratefully received I've followed everything online on one webpage from start to finish she has been with some issues, hermied at one point but it was so little it was saveable I just checked n plucked I had read to cure in mason jars 75percent full and open and let...
  4. 2stonerstrying

    First grow is now drying!!

    It was a bag seed from a good bag of lemon haze. I plan to dry for 3-10 days then cure in a glass jar for a week/two or so I couldn't wait months I don't have the patience. It was very strange cutting it definetly bitter sweet and my house smells dank so I've every window open and Scentsy...
  5. 2stonerstrying

    First grow is now drying!!

    Trimmed and hung to dry, husband away til end of next week so should be dry when he gets home. I'm very chuffed with myself
  6. 2stonerstrying

    My first grow (survived Hermie) grow update

    Im now just feeding water/flush for next week(and last week too) then hoping to go a few days of no water then crop time, I hope! Week 10 of 12/12. Hermied week 4, at most only ever got 12 balls and checked daily so all good. I definitely think in the next week or so I'll be ready to chop but...
  7. 2stonerstrying

    My first grow (survived Hermie) grow update

    Im now just feeding water/flush for next week(and last week too) then hoping to go a few days of no water then crop time, I hope! Week 10 of 12/12. Hermied week 4, at most only ever got 12 balls and checked daily so all good. I definitely think in the next week or so I'll be ready to chop but...
  8. 2stonerstrying

    Girl who (is learning to) grow(s)!

    Good luck I'm also a girl on my first grow in a small closet space I'm week 7 of flowering and so far so good. I just read read and read
  9. 2stonerstrying

    Houston I have a problem.....

    I'm in UK (Northern Ireland ) we pay £100 for 8grm and we smoke just under an Oz a week for two of us hence the now growing I can't keep paying that though I know I'll not grow enough to keep us for long maybe a week or two but every bit helps
  10. 2stonerstrying

    Flowering week 4 first grow

    I check with my tweezers and a cup of water to put any balls in at the ready every day, quick check when light going off longer check at light on time but ive found no more yet..
  11. 2stonerstrying

    I'm not a bro, dude, brer, I'm a mum/wife/female ✌

    I'm not a bro, dude, brer, I'm a mum/wife/female ✌
  12. 2stonerstrying

    Flowering week 4 first grow

    As the title says flowering just beginning week four. Plant hermied 8 days ago got 8-12 nuts off as soon as noticed and nothing else since and Checking her head to toe daily she seems to be doing ok. First grow, closet set up, just one plant hence why I plucked but glad I did now as so far so...
  13. 2stonerstrying

    Houston I have a problem.....

    Well I plucked 8 off maybe a little more the first night 1 more the next that I prob missed and I've checked every inch since and nothing more and it's growing some nice looking bud that's me start of week 4 so far so good decided not to mess with it except pluck and pray
  14. 2stonerstrying

    Please tell me my girl isn't Hermie? Help a newbie out?

    I plucked 8 off in total that first 24hour I think!! If more not many more and she has been checked nightly and seems to be growing bud well and no more balls been found as of yet so far so good
  15. 2stonerstrying

    Houston I have a problem.....

    I've looked on Amazon can't see it in the UK but I know what I'm looking for now so I'll try track some down, my husbands gonna have a look on eBay too, thanks
  16. 2stonerstrying

    Please tell me my girl isn't Hermie? Help a newbie out?

    never knew where to post to get an answer and was desperate for any answer, I'm New and didn't know what board was best sick plant or newbie
  17. 2stonerstrying

    Please tell me my girl isn't Hermie? Help a newbie out?

    Thanks that's exactly what I intend to do tonight when the light goes on again had a good pluck earlier will just keep going.
  18. 2stonerstrying

    Help please I'm going to run out of room

    Thanks I'm going to just keep tweezing everyday and will do the water trick thanks i sterilized the tweezers this morning after I plucked them off
  19. 2stonerstrying

    Houston I have a problem.....

    Thank you this is the only plant but I will look for reverse on Amazon now I take it that will stop any more sacks forming?
  20. 2stonerstrying

    Houston I have a problem.....

    I'll keep checking daily and picking off they seem to be detained to the small bottom buds about 5th set of branches and below nothing above I think I'm gonna just keep plucking and praying