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  1. D

    super cropped... snapped the stem hanging off the plant

    Get some scissors and do a clean topping, and no worries, now your branches below the snap will get nice and thick having almos the same affect as super cropping. Instead of pinching your plant get some string and tie the top down using an undone paperclip to anchor it in the soil. With the...
  2. D


    hydro = fast veg time, watery taste of bud, reduced smell and flavor, usually used with chemical fertz adding to harshness and worsening flavor organic soil - slower veg time, flower time is the same. The only way to maximize smell and taste of your buds, use organic fertz so you're not smoking...
  3. D

    What is the pinch and bend method?? Im lost

    you bend or pinch the very top which breaks the cell walls of the plant and the grow back even bigger giving you a thicker stem. Thicker stems = thicker bud. Supercropping is the oldschool way of LSTing
  4. D

    is it expensive to grow killer or wat?

    I wish that was true but it's not.. lights, ventilation, nutes, smart pots, lumen meter, ph meter, ppm meter, thermostats, filters... it costs a lot if you want to get the most out of your nug.
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    Need help

    If it was ph problems your leaves would probably be burning and twisting. A pic of the whole plant would help, but from your first pics I'm pretty sure the leaves are being eaten. You don't have any pets do you?
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    Need help

    You're right... but I'm betting he was using a bug spray like zero tolerance that burns (due to the compounds in the spray and not from the lights) your leaves if you don't dilute it. I have to dilute my bug spray to 25% if I don't want it to burn my leaves.
  7. D

    4 leaf sets per node?????

    So you're question is what will happen if you top it? I guess since you don't have 2 to compare the difference we won't really ever know who's right. I have been growing for 8 solid years now and I was just letting you know that from my experience, you're not going to get extra bud, if you have...
  8. D

    plant growing under water somebody doesn't have a good supply of weed. Chill out man
  9. D

    is it expensive to grow killer or wat?

    You need 100 watts per plant to get some decent nug... go to walmart and buy some packs of 23watt CFLs if you're on a budget. $20 in cfl's will give you insanely better results then just using 2 17w tubes.
  10. D

    plant growing under water

    I wasn't even talking about the OP... look at the post before mine. Obviously you didn't read every single post like I did. BTW the plants dead so no point in following the thread to see how the plant does.. lol
  11. D

    are my autos done? +rep

    Can you tell if the trichromes are cloudy or clear? How strong is your lupe? You need atleast a 30x, and lots of light. I recommend the adjustable magnifier from radioshack that goes up to 100x and has a built in light. You will be able to see the trichromes extremely clear
  12. D

    4 leaf sets per node?????

    What's your question? Palerider already said it was a genetic mutation, More fan leaves don't neccesarly means more buds though plus size looks pretty normal for a month old plant. Hopefully the extra fan leaves don't block too much light from the lower buds... it will be interesting to see how...
  13. D

    plant growing under water

    That is funny that is happened but not sure why everyone is so amazed that a plant will grow under water? If it had enough lighting and air being pumped into the water there's no reason a seedling couldn't survive under water for 2-3 weeks. It will eventually run out of stored nutrients and die...
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    are my autos done? +rep

    What do you see when you look through the lupe? Are all the trichromes cloudy or are they clear? Do you see amber in them?
  15. D

    Massive southern California indoor grow-op

    What is your lighting setup? How many watts total? Is this being done in a house or a commercial building? I ask because if it's a house I would be extremely paranoid due to wattage draw, smell, bringing in/out materials... how do you deal with all that? I currently have 3,000 watts in a 1...
  16. D

    progress 400w hps come check it out(FROSTY)

    It probably won't help to transplant since you're past week 2 in flower and it would probably stress them which would stunt bud grow. Also, the light is killing your roots... never use clear containers. Your plants look like they are just about to be nute burned. I can see the tips have sligh...
  17. D

    Need help

    If you don't want to buy anything then use a drop of liquid soap in a spray bottle with distilled water and spray the plants twice a day. The soap breaks the water tension and drowns the bugs instead of letting them float. If you have a hydro shop near you get some neem oil or some bug-buster-o...
  18. D

    Veg 10 seedlings under 600w HPS until sex is determined?

    The way to get the most bud out of your 600w is to do a sea of green (solid canopy of leaves). To do the sea of green you can use 1 plant or 10 plants.. 1 plant is going to take a lot longer to fill the space, and 10 plants will fill the space pretty fast, allowing your to get your buds in less...
  19. D

    400 w hps + 200w cfls, or 600 hps?

    1 pound off of a single plant indoors? I'd like to see pics of that. Typical is 2 ounces per plant, maybe 4 ounces if you're a really good grower... but not a pound (16 ounces)
  20. D

    600w mh burnt after 2000 hours

    Where did you buy it from? Almost all places warranty there bulbs for a year and will replace for free.