super cropped... snapped the stem hanging off the plant


Active Member
oh my god... i knew i shouldnt have tried to super crop... now my baby is snapped in-half...

i pinched the stem and bent it and it SNAPPED, like it came apart and its now hanging off my plant.. will it repair itself or should i just top it where it broke


Well-Known Member
oh my god... i knew i shouldnt have tried to super crop... now my baby is snapped in-half...

i pinched the stem and bent it and it SNAPPED, like it came apart and its now hanging off my plant.. will it repair itself or should i just top it where it broke
Get some scissors and do a clean topping, and no worries, now your branches below the snap will get nice and thick having almos the same affect as super cropping. Instead of pinching your plant get some string and tie the top down using an undone paperclip to anchor it in the soil. With the string you can gradually increase the amount of bend and don't have to worry as much about snapping. This method is called LST - low stress training... and not only does it thicken the branches like super cropping but also gives you the power to control the shape and size of your plant


Well-Known Member
I've done this before, just find a way to give it some support (tape, string or some kind of prop) as long as its still attached it should heal up.


Well-Known Member
yes u can tape it, or just do a clean cut, which i recommened to do. its happent to me b4 and i would just cut it, and u will get to main stems growing instead of 1..basically u are just topping it if u do this


Well-Known Member
If you were to fashion a splint and wrap her up with cloth or a narrow ace bandage she should be fine. It would probably be good to have a splint on both sides to keep the weight off the wound. MJ is a remarkable plant with amazing recovery powers. She should heal quickly although you will most likely see no new growth for a few to several days due to shock. If you have never used super thrive now might be a good time to look into it also, really helps with shock, imho.
Good Luck with the recovery effort.

The Ruined

Active Member
I did this to one of my plants and just taped it up. Growth stopped for only a couple days then continued while 4 shoots shot up and got really fat! I had 5 main colas! This was my first grow I did this to. I just completed my second.

Tape it up is my suggestion. I would have lost well over an ounce if I had removed it and tossed it.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
here is a pic of what's left of my pineapple chunk plant. around week 3 of veg i was tying down a branch and it snapped and was hanging on by a STRING. i taped that bitch up and waited for it to die. it never did. just look at all that would not have been if i had cut that. the stem grew around the tape and the tape actually became a part of the plant that's why it's still there. don't cut it. when i say by a string i'm not exaggerating. the plant is harvested in the pic but just look at the bent stump knob thing.

