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  1. L

    What is the best hydroponic system????

    you can call them instead. check out stealth hydr . com
  2. L

    Growing..a hobby, obsession, an experience?

    hey you guys it does become an obsession I think. I always wonder if they're alright. I got one looking curly tho. 6 babies, all very green and they have stopped growing up and now their stems are turning darker and thicker. Got roots coming out of the hydro pots, but one is turning curly...
  3. L

    What is the best hydroponic system????

    you can also google "hydro gardening systems" and you can purchase online a complete sys without the trouble of running here and there trying to build one.
  4. L


    Ok, I looked around first before this post and didn't find a solution. I transplanted my seedlings (6) to hydro system and they all survived but I've got a couple of them droopy. Is that just some kind of shock and they will bounce back? This is my very first grow and I am so excited that...
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    are males worthless?

    hey roseman, got a quick question.. I got my SH system in and I just want to know about transplanting my babies out of jiffy peat pellets into the sys. They are about 2 and 3 weeks old, just put an osc fan on them couple of days ago. The older ones look good, younger ones look puny. Please I...
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    Transplant question from serious newb

    Victor I bought the stealthhydro like Roseman recommended. I dropped the flor light right down on top of them and got an osc fan which really helped. So I got the nutes and lights and everything, just need to make the move. There are some roots growing thru and down the peat pellet but it...
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    Transplant question from serious newb

    I started growing before i aquired the hydro sys. and I know they cant' stay in peat pellets forever. They are getting pretty and green but stems are skinny. Every thread is so educating, thank all of you for being so helpful!!! I will check out your growguide primeralives!
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    Transplant question from serious newb

    Thanks, I know I am making this stressful on myself.
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    Transplant question from serious newb

    My babies are 2&3 weeks old. Tall thin and spindley, like so many other newbies out there, finally got a osc fan going to try and fatten them up. They are sitting in a jiffy tray in peat pellets with a flor light until I can transplant them to a hydro sys (can't wait). How big/how long do I...
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    Osc Fan

    Thanks you guys.
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    Osc Fan

    Question: I have seedlings about 3 weeks and 2 weeks old. When do you incorporate an osc. fan? Isn't that to help them grow stronger stems? Thx
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    I have Babies - 1st time Mom

    Only one fell, and I think it was b/c I acc. knocked it over... the others are standing up straight and beautiful. Should I leave that one down? Toss it when the Hydro comes? Do they need a fan now? I have not checked the PH but when the Hydro sys comes there are strips included. The flor...
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    I have Babies - 1st time Mom

    They are in a jiffy plastic dome plant starter without dome, sitting on heating pad on low. Right now I am using a flor bulb for plants (general). I could have been overwatering, but I slacked off a bit and tried to water them when it was dry to touch. Again, I am waiting on Hydro sys to...
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    I have Babies - 1st time Mom

    Hello. I am very new to this and I have 7 babies growing. 3 are about 2 weeks old and 4 are about a week old. I have them in jiffy pellets for now under a flor bulb and sitting on a heating pad. They are looking pretty good except one of the older ones fell but is still growing toward the...