I have Babies - 1st time Mom


Active Member
Hello. I am very new to this and I have 7 babies growing. 3 are about 2 weeks old and 4 are about a week old. I have them in jiffy pellets for now under a flor bulb and sitting on a heating pad. They are looking pretty good except one of the older ones fell but is still growing toward the light. The light is hangning about 2-3 inches from the older ones. OK. The leaves on all of them have a little bit of yellow to them - can anyone tell me why?
I just ordered the Stealth Hydro system and they will be transplanted as soon as it comes in. I have found this site very informative so any advice would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
welcome ladybud , if you can provide more detail on how you are raising your babies maybe we can figure out why the leaves are all yellow.
Some examples are do you ph your water? What kind of light do you use. How do you water?


Active Member
They are in a jiffy plastic dome plant starter without dome, sitting on heating pad on low. Right now I am using a flor bulb for plants (general). I could have been overwatering, but I slacked off a bit and tried to water them when it was dry to touch. Again, I am waiting on Hydro sys to arrive. They grew really fast at first but now they have slowed down a bit. Tall and lanky, with 3rd set of leaves trying to grow, but just a little yellow here and there. Thanks for your help!


Well-Known Member
if they are falling over at 2 weeks it sounds to me like they could be stretching, how close is your light to your plant?? if you are using a fluro light then it should only be about 1 inch away


Active Member
Only one fell, and I think it was b/c I acc. knocked it over... the others are standing up straight and beautiful. Should I leave that one down? Toss it when the Hydro comes? Do they need a fan now? I have not checked the PH but when the Hydro sys comes there are strips included. The flor light is about 3 inches from the olders and 4 inc from the younger ones. After reading up on this site I think I have been overwatering. Would that cause some of the yellowness? I think I love this site but I am still a little scared.


Well-Known Member
i would keep that plant untill you know it done, the fan is to make the stems on your plants stonger so it would be best to have one, i would try and get that light closer to your plants, and im not to sure about the over watering thing, good luck


Well-Known Member
I really can't help you, I think you will be fine. If you upload some pix maybe some more experienced growers can id your yellowing.