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  1. GeneBanker

    Problem here or perfectly normal?

    Just by some BT add it to your water. > Spinosad
  2. GeneBanker

    Smelly grow tent/weird yellowish patches on leaves

    My guess without seeing it is a buildup in the soil from your feeds. The spots could be from a lockout do to said build up. Are you feeding everytime? Have you been feeding for a long time? Do you run straight water or add and kind of life back into your soil?
  3. GeneBanker

    Is it time to harvest?

    I was going to look at the pics. Then the term 7 weeks caught my eye. And the thumbnails appeared to of sugar leaves. I’m calling minimum 3 weeks
  4. GeneBanker

    Def from ???

    Has to be troll
  5. GeneBanker

    Def from ???

    This is real or troll? Hit the sides of your pot with a mallet to avoid a lockout?
  6. GeneBanker

    Help with estimate before harvest

    I concur. They are going to bulk from here on out so enjoy.
  7. GeneBanker

    Need help

    I think your seeing the training and thinking it’s twisting. Xtsho is prob spot on. All in all they don’t look bad at all. Just need a little preventative maintenance.
  8. GeneBanker

    Suggestions on training and yield.

    The sun is waking up in the valley. Only a few more good days till the forge is at temp.
  9. GeneBanker

    Life finds a way

    So the weekend before last I popped some beans. 25 out of the 30 sprouted. I gave the remaining five a couple days before I snooped around in the soil, only to find nothing. I put them on the shelf and forgot about them. Tonight over a week later I get around to clearing that shelf. And I find...
  10. GeneBanker

    OH NO!

    IMO wider over deeper. But that’s me
  11. GeneBanker

    Just because this is your first or second grow doesn’t mean ya can’t grow like a pro!

    Humility is a good trait. Correct we all make mistakes. We all have life jump up in our way at times. To me a pro is seeing these obstacles and devising a plan before a problem arises. Working 7 days isn’t really an excuse to let your reservoir dry out.
  12. GeneBanker

    Moldy soil?

    Water less volume
  13. GeneBanker

    I need help, I'm debating if I wanna quit growing, I keep getting hermi issues

    Quitting is for quitters. Pick yourself up and lets Do this
  14. GeneBanker

    The Impact of Light Intensity and Spectrum-Tuning on Cannabis Yields

    I honestly didn’t see any hostility until you said go fuck yourself. Asking to see proof of your claim isn’t hostility. Don’t talk about it. Be about it
  15. GeneBanker

    Late growing

    You have algae growing on the top layer of your medium. You have no holes. In a clear cup, in your window. That’s the absolute recipe for disaster.
  16. GeneBanker

    Everything was going good until a week ago..HELPP

    Just put some cal mag on it…. It’s cannabis tussin
  17. GeneBanker

    5th day??

    Like she’s in a big pot with a lot of water
  18. GeneBanker

    Recharge with tea?

    I never recommend fish shit. Especially if you’re going to use recharge. The price for what you get is crazy.