Moldy soil?

How often are you watering? That doesn't look good imo. Is the mold green/blue? The plant is surviving tho
I think he has been watering about every other day, I’m not 100% sure it’s grayish greenish, he is a dumbass tho and put coffee grounds on top of the soil.... pretty sure that has something to do with it, had him scrape that top moldy layer off carefully, any suggestions on how to keep it from coming back
I think he has been watering about every other day, I’m not 100% sure it’s grayish greenish, he is a dumbass tho and put coffee grounds on top of the soil.... pretty sure that has something to do with it, had him scrape that top moldy layer off carefully, any suggestions on how to keep it from coming back
If organic l let that stuff do its job, imo only!
believe it or not, that is actually's breaking down the organic matter that makes the nutes locked in the organic matter available for uptake by the plant. if you ever see a red colored mold, or a black colored mold then you should freak out....this one is not an issue from my experience.