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  1. Sweetred

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    *removes hat*
  2. Sweetred

    Outdoor grow outta control.

    I am new to growing weed also , but at this point is it really a garden problem or physics ? if its hitting the roof what can be done practically ? 15 gallon pots are about a foot tall. can you bury them and heat the green house ?
  3. Sweetred

    Tell me why Sativas are different than Indicas

    Ditto, these words should on billboards across this land !
  4. Sweetred

    Is 3x crazy ready

    Yes I made every mistake in the book. And idk is the viparspectra 450 a cheap light?
  5. Sweetred

    Is 3x crazy ready

    I was agreeing with the good advice I was given. And I ment that next time I'll keep better track. My reply was ment as a thank you.
  6. Sweetred

    Is 3x crazy ready

    Yes I do see the value of keeping track like that , now that I've done it without .
  7. Sweetred

    Is 3x crazy ready

  8. Sweetred

    Is 3x crazy ready

    Stupid cats gonna play he'll getting them cleaned up . The strain is called 3x crazy It's not the Optimus Prime brand . I like my budds relaxing . I think I'll chop it in 5 days.
  9. Sweetred

    Is 3x crazy ready

    I'm just glad I did not kill her. The question remains is it redy for harvesting? All I have is a magnifying glass , but cannot find any amber tricombs.
  10. Sweetred

    Is 3x crazy ready

    Heh.. mistakes were made I tryed to hit them all Starting off the clone seemed messed up and stunted , then the dude at the b and m told me to put it in a 7 gallon smartpot. Of course I over watered it then it looked like mag deficiency so I added some calmag. It got worse. I repotted it In a 3...
  11. Sweetred

    Is 3x crazy ready

    Into its 9th week hasn't had white pistol in over a week I've use a viparspectra 450 and general hydroponic nutes at half stringth with clear water every other watering . ThE 3x crazy sure has some odd looking buds... am I right ?