Is 3x crazy ready


Into its 9th week hasn't had white pistol in over a week I've use a viparspectra 450 and general hydroponic nutes at half stringth with clear water every other watering . ThE 3x crazy sure has some odd looking buds... am I right ?20180306_162537.jpg 20180306_162544.jpg 20180306_162556.jpg 20180306_165935.jpg


Well-Known Member
Into its 9th week hasn't had white pistol in over a week I've use a viparspectra 450 and general hydroponic nutes at half stringth with clear water every other watering . ThE 3x crazy sure has some odd looking buds... am I right ?View attachment 4101359 View attachment 4101364 View attachment 4101365 View attachment 4101366
You didn't feed enough pk during flower IMO. What was the ppm of your feed?

You should have been around 700 in week 1 by week 5 UpTo 1100 and at finish back down to 400 ish. Ramping that sheet.

I know 3 other people on this site that use/used that brand of light and had awesome top to bottom buds..

Genetics or grower did that.


Well-Known Member
Go back in time and try a bud booster around week 6-7.

Or try it next time. Something around 15-15 P/K would have fattened them if everything else was cool.


Heh.. mistakes were made I tryed to hit them all
Starting off the clone seemed messed up and stunted , then the dude at the b and m told me to put it in a 7 gallon smartpot. Of course I over watered it then it looked like mag deficiency so I added some calmag. It got worse. I repotted it In a 3 gallon bucket , then repoted again while in flower 2 a 5 gallon smartpot again . She was in veg for 5 weeks before I switched over to 12/12 , that was 8 weeks 3 days ago. I'm sure I made other mistakes I don't even know about yet. As far as ppm I starter with half a tsp per gallon and worked my way up to 2 tsp per gallon. For fun here's the clone in its giant bucket 20171216_145933.jpg


I'm just glad I did not kill her. The question remains is it redy for harvesting? All I have is a magnifying glass , but cannot find any amber tricombs.


Well-Known Member
Heh.. mistakes were made I tryed to hit them all
Starting off the clone seemed messed up and stunted , then the dude at the b and m told me to put it in a 7 gallon smartpot. Of course I over watered it then it looked like mag deficiency so I added some calmag. It got worse. I repotted it In a 3 gallon bucket , then repoted again while in flower 2 a 5 gallon smartpot again . She was in veg for 5 weeks before I switched over to 12/12 , that was 8 weeks 3 days ago. I'm sure I made other mistakes I don't even know about yet. As far as ppm I starter with half a tsp per gallon and worked my way up to 2 tsp per gallon. For fun here's the clone in its giant bucket View attachment 4101452
No disrespect but I don't understand teaspoons and sheet like that. I understand ppm/EC, pH, rH etc.

Would be easier for you if you got ppm meter and kept a log of sheet you did to see what happened when and to compare to other data sources to dial in your method.



Well-Known Member
I'm just glad I did not kill her. The question remains is it redy for harvesting? All I have is a magnifying glass , but cannot find any amber tricombs.
As far as when can't say for sure don't know the strain or what effect you are after. You could cut a lower bud and dry it right and test for yourself.


Stupid cats gonna play he'll getting them cleaned up . The strain is called 3x crazy
It's not the Optimus Prime brand . I like my budds relaxing . I think I'll chop it in 5 days.


No disrespect but I don't understand teaspoons and sheet like that. I understand ppm/EC, pH, rH etc.

Would be easier for you if you got ppm meter and kept a log of sheet you did to see what happened when and to compare to other data sources to dial in your method.



Well-Known Member
Yes I do see the value of keeping track like that , now that I've done it without .
You totally fucked your plant and you wont take solid advice?

Track your progress so next time you fuckup you can look back and see what you did wrong

Or if you know everything maybe you should start writing tutorials so we can all learn from the grand Master.


You totally fucked your plant and you wont take solid advice?

Track your progress so next time you fuckup you can look back and see what you did wrong

Or if you know everything maybe you should start writing tutorials so we can all learn from the grand Master.
I was agreeing with the good advice I was given. And I ment that next time I'll keep better track. My reply was ment as a thank you.