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  1. paddypower

    I see 23 all the time

    We are all a little psychotic at times, well i certainly can be.
  2. paddypower

    I see 23 all the time

    Most definitely not ? Why would you ask that?
  3. paddypower

    I see 23 all the time

    MEEEEEEE lol my name was taken, so i made it up on the fly
  4. paddypower

    I see 23 all the time

    I dont quite follow? Are you saying you see 42?
  5. paddypower

    I see 23 all the time

    I know that we are pattern seekers, and that we sometimes find correlation where there isn't any. But even though i am aware of these apophenic tricks our minds play, I am almost certain I can make the number 23 manifest. Am I losing my mind, or waking from the Matrix? Does anyone here have a...
  6. paddypower


    i dont know what i have stepped into here, but you have got your wires crossed. I wasnt trying to imply anything. i listen to the news, read news and try to find a wide range of outlets to get a more balanced view, but i also know that the media don't always tell the truth and well I think it...
  7. paddypower


    dyslexic, do you have a problem with that?
  8. paddypower


    ive obviously stepped in the deep end?
  9. paddypower


    under some peoples posts, it says who liked it. I now know that i have to have a few more posts under my belt first, lol
  10. paddypower


    cant find the option to like this pic?
  11. paddypower


    Where do you stand on Israels occupation of Palestine? I agree with you on the jew haters and how f***ing dumb they are, but i still think that peace will never be realized, whilst people still feel like Israel is an antagonistic factor.
  12. paddypower


    i think that the American people do have a say, but they are confused.
  13. paddypower

    best nutes to use with coco

    im using flora nova bloom on its own, week 4 and they are ok, but a little lacking. i cant post pics cause of where i live, even though its only 2 plants and its personal use :finger:
  14. paddypower

    best nutes to use with coco
