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  1. R

    The Greatest Drug In History. aKa (ecstacy or MDMA)

    homophobes.... i love pussy. i love going to raves and rolling balls while underage girls sucks my dick on the dancefloor in their body painted costumes. i once saw a girl get fucked with a gun in SLC. jesus christ some poeple are dumb, x makes bitches horrrrnny. mormon chicks r dirtayyyy. i...
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    Outrageous Spine Crackage

    the last time 'you heard', bwahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, who the fuck would tell your dumb ass if they were making a schedule III drug. While good fluff might be hard to find in the united states, it certantly is in every major city in every club. get realllll. the shit people...
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    **Closet Grow Design***

    400watt light in a cool tube with a 250 cfm inline or blower with a scrubber and thats all you need. Intake scrubber is inside closet and exhaust into your room. Might want to seal up all your bedroom windows so no one calls the pig factory.
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    Outrageous Spine Crackage

    I havent been able to get any acid lately so i sucked up some water with these two old viles i had sittin in my fridge today and didnt really think i was going to trip all that hard, i mean i tasted a little acid but nothing too heavy, you know that taste, huh? Anyways i went to the bank and...
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    air coolled 1000 hps

    If it truly is rated for 300 cfm then yes, should pull plenty of heat away from that 1000k
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    Help me diagnose my lil guy w/ pics

    for sure, thanks for the tips. took action this morning and deduced that they are underwatered, over fertilized and a little acidic. Watered today with no nutes and 5ml of PH up.
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    Guns and Growing.

    owning guns + growing weed = retarded you dont need to go to jail for an extra five years, learn from others mistakes!!! DONT OWN GUNS. prosecutor's field day, end of story.
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    Help me diagnose my lil guy w/ pics

    Hi everybody! Chillin here on a sunday morning waiting for the gym to open and i have noticed that my lil guy has not improved over the past 48 hours. Heres the run down. Transplanted from 2 gal to 5 gal 3 days ago. Watered on transplant day have not watered since then. (I watered the...
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    Happy Frog and Low PH?

    Hi everyone, Just transplanted two very healthy biggy smalls into their final five gallons. (wish i had pics of the setup!) Anyways I watered today and got a runoff PH of 4.5. Ph going in was 6.5. heres my mix. Happy Frog Sum Perelite (maybe 4 cups per bucket, mostly at...
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    Boiling water??? Ph balanced!!!

    Shouldnt adjust PH or anything, but boiling water will deff. evaporate all the chlorine off in a few minutes. But why bother, it would be absurd to boil all the water for your plants.
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    Best Fan Controller Available

    they all hum. try stuffing your system with a t shirt to increase motor work and thus slow fan speed.
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    High Quality Pot Pics on CNBC.COM

    Compared to the costs of other real time pharmecuiticals (sp?) medical marijuana, even at premium prices, is still much cheaper. SSRI's and other 'depression' medications cost insurance companies, medicare (aka the taxpayers) and users thousands compared to a halfer of the dank. Also older...
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    Ballast for a 150w ceramic metal halide

    OrgeonMeds, big stepppaaaaaa. So do you recomened just using two 150w HPS or would an extra hundred dollars for a 400w CMH light really just beat the snot out of them? I already bought 2 pyrex cool tubes off of ebay, and two cheap ass 150w HPS lights. I did see a thread about the solid...
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    Ballast for a 150w ceramic metal halide

    Hi everyone, Kind of new here and I am currently building a dual 150 watt pyrex cool tube system chilled by a 4'' inline eco fan. My question here is that i purchased the cheap 25$ e-cono vapor HPS lights, and i just read a great thread on the benefits of new ceramic metal halide bulbs. So now...
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    My $20 150w HPS Econolight DIY reflector/remote ballast

    how far can these stock reactor ballasts be remotely located from the the lights. looking around online i found somewhere in a wiring diagram that the ignitor and capacitator cannot be more than two feet away, is this true?