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  1. C

    Time 'til Harvest

    Is this correst that plants only feed at night
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    HUGE indoor JACK HERER plants...8ft tall with pics

    they look proper!! wot did it weigh when dried etc
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    can antone help
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    also i am in week 8/9 of harvest and i have new shoots coming out of the top of the colas is this normal or do i have aproblem sorry i dont have any pics as yet thanks
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    thanks mate
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    Hi, i have a plant thats in veg and some of the leaves are sets of two and three are you saying that this is ok
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    damage to foliage

    can anyone help i have a stand up fan that fell onto a couple of my plants and it took of some of the branches some of the leaves are wilting its in its 3rd week of flowering ....sre they wiltimg because they've been stressed and does anyone no if there likely to recover tere also around 3 -4 ft...
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    Growing Without Fan Leaves???

    so are you saying that if i was harvesting the whole plant it would be beneficial to take off all the fan leaves i am new to this and about 1 wk into flowering
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    Need help from experienced indoor grower.

    a freind of mine has some (6) that hes just put into flower at 3 ft is it ok to top them at this late stage or best to leave them hae's only using a 400w dual spec
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    Skinning the entire plant? Worked awesome..

    sounds all gud m8, would this say this would increase your by yeild by much and what would you say the extra time added to the full growing cycle would be
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    Nutrients and flowering cycle

    do i keep using the veg nutrients till they start to bloom