damage to foliage


Well-Known Member
i sprayed some off this stuff on the foliage the other day but re applyed it to quickly and this is what happened.... i know i shouldnt be sparying anything on it since its in the flowering stage but i had a serious bug problem. Now the foliage seems to be folding up and slowly dying. I just want to know what i should do and if its going to be ok... any input appreciated.

thanks and peace.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Many pesticides will cause damage to the foliage. Nothing that you can do now. If you use it again, try a diluted solution, or a different pesticide.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
can anyone help i have a stand up fan that fell onto a couple of my plants and it took of some of the branches some of the leaves are wilting its in its 3rd week of flowering ....sre they wiltimg because they've been stressed and does anyone no if there likely to recover tere also around 3 -4 ft high