Well-Known Member
Well thats actually not my point nor does it relate to an "ethos", My roundabout way of stating that the earlybird doesnt always get the worm as it pertains to real life Is just a fact that those of us who have lived long enough sometimes know to be true and nothing more.
Maybe I should have posted a disclaimer under my signature stating " No Mice were harmed in the making of this signature".
I see your point exactly... meaning that it's okay to be lazy because you'll get your cheese at the expense of your fellow man anyway. It's not an ethos I agree with... I'd prefer to be the early bird.
Well thats actually not my point nor does it relate to an "ethos", My roundabout way of stating that the earlybird doesnt always get the worm as it pertains to real life Is just a fact that those of us who have lived long enough sometimes know to be true and nothing more.
Maybe I should have posted a disclaimer under my signature stating " No Mice were harmed in the making of this signature".