007, number 1.

I see your point exactly... meaning that it's okay to be lazy because you'll get your cheese at the expense of your fellow man anyway. It's not an ethos I agree with... I'd prefer to be the early bird.

Well thats actually not my point nor does it relate to an "ethos", My roundabout way of stating that the earlybird doesnt always get the worm as it pertains to real life Is just a fact that those of us who have lived long enough sometimes know to be true and nothing more.

Maybe I should have posted a disclaimer under my signature stating " No Mice were harmed in the making of this signature".:blsmoke:
The statement makes no mention of the early bird NOT getting the worm, in fact the statement upholds that the early bird will get the worm... the mouse that hangs around for another to die so that it can get the cheese would indeed be a wise mouse... but as not all mice are wise the wise mice are benefiting at the expense of fellow mice... OR you could go the way where the mouse that stays in bed longest (which would tie in with the EARLY bird) gets to eat the cheese that the early mouse died for...

Either way, within the context of the statement I'd rather be the early bird. Which holds a certain irony to it, in itself
The statement makes no mention of the early bird NOT getting the worm, in fact the statement upholds that the early bird will get the worm... the mouse that hangs around for another to die so that it can get the cheese would indeed be a wise mouse... but as not all mice are wise the wise mice are benefiting at the expense of fellow mice... OR you could go the way where the mouse that stays in bed longest (which would tie in with the EARLY bird) gets to eat the cheese that the early mouse died for...

Man Thats Deep... I didnt initially realize my signature had that much meaning, The way I look at it was similar to a math problem , You take the first metaphor ..Combine it with the second and the solution is the meaning.

I'd rather be at the right place at the right time than be there first all the time.
Skunk, I think you're reading too much into it.
Smirg was trying to make a very simple point. That in the case of the mouse it didn't benefit it to be "The early bird".
But I suppose if you pick at anything long enough, you can find philosophical meaning. (Especially if your high on Cheese [no pun intended]).

For those who don't know what cheese is.
It's a strain of weed. Very good shit, according to skunk.

I hope I'll have the opportunity to try it someday.
honestly... I reacted to my initial feelings on what was written...

Oh, and it's not cheese I'm smoking... I'm getting high on my own supply... not as good as cheese, but it's up there with the best.
ok so does anyone have any plans to see the new james bond Casino Royale? and what do you guys think about the new actor for Bond? i dont know if he has been in any other films but if he has and you've seen them what do u think?
I wont pay to watch it.

In my opinion the new james bond (Daniel Craig) is just another Hollywood Hypocrite seeing that he is an anti gun activist and yet he has no problem portraying a gunslinging killer agent for a pay check.

Besides I dont think he's a very good actor.
I don't like him either... the only trouble is that I haven't watched or even been interested in watching a modern James Bond film, but this one is different... Casino Royale is Ian Fleming's first full novel featuring James Bond... I'm obligated... I have to watch the film despite what I think of the actor. I'd like to see a black J. B. That Craig geezer's a wooden spoon.
"I'd like to see a black J. B."

Funny you should say that Skunk. Our very own P. Diddy said that he wants to be the next James Bond.
I saw the newest Bond film in the theaters and I must say I was very impressed. The new Bond is gritty and the film noir style is very classic. Daniel Craig is not a Brosnan pretty boy, but he doesn't need to be. He is bad ass in his own way. If this is the new direction for the franchise, count me in!
Nobody gonna back up Sir Roger Moore?
he was a bit of a ponce sir roger,shaun looked like like if you fucked with him he would blow your head off,roger looked looked like he would want to give you a good rogering,i think that is the nice term for being fucked up the bon bon?