09 season = harvest complete


Active Member
How did you do?

I ended up with
1 indica
2 sativas out of the four I planted - 1 was male

Out of 3 plants in five gallon buckets I finished the year with 3 lbs / 2 ounces .
Would have another ounce an a half but was lost due to bud rott. One hell of a rainy season.
This is all for personal use, should last until next year.

+ reps for all who helped me



Well-Known Member
any pics still waiting on a small harvest prob only 1-2 0z starting a different grow soon hopefully a bit bigger..



Well-Known Member
Pound + per 5 gallon bucket?
Damn,....is that dried or wet weight?
How big did they get, and do you have photos?
Would luv to see that.


Active Member
Here you go....

I believe I took these pics in June or July.
They were started back in March.
I tied them down right after the pics were taken.. if I would have started tieing them down sooner there would have been alot more smoke than that.



Active Member
I believe I took these pics in June or July.
They were started back in March.
I tied them down right after the pics were taken.. if I would have started tieing them down sooner there would have been alot more smoke than that.

Here is my last plant before harvest pics taken about a week ago.

The date was set wrong on my camera. If you look at the first pics I posted... this plant was the medium size one (last pic) next to my storage shed. After I took the pics I tied them down to get more sun between the branches.

