0calli Poetry~~~~~~Post your Poetry here anything at all that you have Written

[h=1]The Final Illusion[/h]
Take up the tools of war my son,
And march on to your fate.
For should this battle not be won,
These truths have come too late.

For earthly goods many have fought,
Transcend you now such lies.
As they shall find themselves with nought,
When all creation dies.

Slay not your brother nor his kind,
Though they bear arms for you.
Nor lock your wits and flex your mind,
For none of that is true.

And do not pray for light divine,
To shine from up above.
Nor speak you words like me or mine,
Or dream of selfish love.

Take up the sword of wisdom child,
Its edge and you must dance.
Within your heart doubt rages wild,
Born from your ignorance.

Build not yourself a funeral pyre,
All laced with wood and coal.
Take up that blade and slay desire,
Enemy of your soul.

Make worthless all your deeds on earth,
Detatch from actions done.
So you may see them for their worth,
Their benefits are none.

A feather in the winds you are,
And flutter though you might,
The air alone shall drive you far,
Regardless of your fight.

Take up the gleaming surgeon's knife,
And sever your own cord.
That truth may come into your life,
No gift of God or Lord.

The past, the future and the now,
Immutable as stone.
The question of the why and how,
Should be left well alone.

But still you must exist as man,
was ever meant to do.
Just question not the greater plan,
nor relevance to you.

To join the cosmic greater flow,
One need not do a thing.
But simply understand and know,
Rebirth comes from wanting.

Take up the plow of wood and bone,
And sow your only seed.
The truth that we are all alone,
And born to live in need.

Now as the furrows disappear,
In soil as in the mind,
Swing not your tools to banish fear,
Accept it all in kind.

Now fight the battles that you must,
But care not if you win.
If in the truth you place your trust,
You battle without sin.

For such are merely stains that stick,
If you allow them there.
And they are only layered thick,
Upon the ones who care.
[h=1]Fluorescent Lights[/h]
I thought that I saw daylight shining
For it my worn heart was pining
Now I see fluorescent lighting
Shows the tunnel’s honest length
Now there’s no real end in sight
Though I rush on with all my might
On through the tunnel’s endless night
I only pray I have the strength
To keep up what I have begun
And carry on until I’ve won
Until that day I’ll try to run
But soon I fear my legs may fail
One day perhaps I may well feel
The sun on skin as cold as steel
And melt the blood that has congealed
Within my veins to make me pale
Bursting forth with new complexion
No more bound to one direction
Free to make my own selection
Oh what sweet nectar that would be!
I’d love to leave this railway track
And feel the sun upon my back
For I am conscious of its lack
But maybe it is not for me
Well I have never known my place
For ignorance knows no disgrace
So heedless onwards I shall race
Despite the facts presented here
I hope my legs will carry me
So that the end my eyes may see
I’ll run along come what may be
And only hope the end is near
Hehehehehehehe great job guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish I could fucking rep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's a little sea shanty (complete with melody) I composed once upon a time, in order to express my admiration of the bounteous bottoms of solidly-constructed women. Aarrr matey. cn

Oh give me a gal with a blue-water beam
A blue-water beam's for me!
I give her the lan'ud,
its towers of man'ood;
she gives me the Goddess the sea.
Only 23

With twenty-three years dead and gone
My back is bent, my soles are worn
With so much done but nought achieved
My mind is numb, my heart is grieved
A quarter of my life has passed
With each new year much like the last
Sparse blessings cannot tip the scale
For heavy burdens leave me frail
And all I do seems like a waste
For life's sweet fruits I rarely taste
While bitter morsels I must chew
To stop starvation breaking through

(This was a looong time ago)
Of All Mankind
While lost in thoughts of endless chain
A voice eternal spoke within
He showed me sights of hate and pain
And prophesied his threats veiled thin

Of all mankind shall come the seeds
That inspiration brings to fruit
And man shall see that all his needs
Were vulgar acts of self pursuit

Now you must find the poetry
In all the waste he’s left behind
For in the fall he chose to see
But acts this day like he is blind
She Provides

Desperation led me to the depths to which I've sunk
For once a hopeless romantic, I'm now a hopeless drunk
I crave warmth and compassion and the bottle she provides
I don't think I could leave her but I've never really tried

I need an edge to face the world, someone to back me up
Most often all can be resolved within a single cup
I know that it is killing me one deep draught at a time
But as it hurts nobody else I'd hardly call it crime

While other people march along with eyes cast firmly down
I dared to dream of what may be but now I only frown
For when no light has touched your life then darkness holds no fear
But I saw stars shining above while I was bound down here

And even earth-bound mortal men have left me far behind
For every night I need a drink or ten to help unwind
And though I know psychosis is but half a nip away
I'll have another shot and sleep until the dawn of day

For once the peace of nightfall was a welcome friend to me
But now the quiet only amplifies my misery
And though I'm young I feel the weight of ages on my back
I fear the years to come and where they'll lead me down the track

So nightly you will find my form slumped in my favourite chair
Sobbing to myself over why life is so unfair
I know they'd judge me quickly but nobody really knows
Though life won't last this way my heart stopped fighting long ago
A Heartbeat

A need to feel the steel's embrace
Open a vein and start the chase
From heart to brain and then release
A moment gone and then the peace

Now stab my pain and fill my hate
And lay me down until your sate'
The sweat, the shakes, time for a hit
You know of course I'm good for it

I'm not a fucking addict and
I'm not a fucking whore
I only sell my body because
All I want is more

A preacher man who likes it rough
The banker man can't get enough
The blur of faces that I see
Only mean hard cash to me

A shadow in a mirror's glaze
A face abused by owner's ways
And callous surface quickly breached
And true emotion (pain) is reached

I'm not a fucking addict and
I'm not a fucking whore
I only sell my body because
All I want is more

Today the veins will open wide
And down the wrists the life will slide
And crying fall asleep again
And pray for sweet oblivion

A cry for help is all they say
No charges will be set today
The clinic's sterile walls enclose
And bring on demons no one knows

I'm not a fucking addict and
I'm not a fucking whore
I only sell my body because
All I want is more

Now free again with methadone
No longer "trash" but still alone
The cravings never stop you see
Without it there is little me

Fist full of notes, please tie me off
The veins are hard so don't be soft
From heart to brain and then release
A heartbeat lost and I'm at peace
Daaaaamn Miyagi. That heartbeat poem is friggin deap dude. Nice one. I can relate. Im on the Done. I go to the clinic every single morning at 6am.

Stoner Stoner
Join DateSep 2011LocationMaine (The Frozen Tundra of Planet Earth)Posts726Journal Entries32

Good Day Doggies

So sorry that I have been unable these past few days to post. I have been really busy with something that I would like to share with you ...

For the past month, a friend of mine (25 years younger than I) had his niece abducted from their home in the middle of the night. At first LEO's were stating that it was a missing child, and for the past two weeks, changed it to, possible foul play. The little girl's name is Ayla, and from Maine. My friend and I are tight, as he always turned to me for guidance when things where going south for him. When I learned of this happening a month ago, I put my hand out, and he grabbed it. I did not want him to be alone on Christmas, so my family invited him over, just so that he could get away from it all, at least for a few hours. We have remained tight throughout, but they have had very little to say, or help out, especially with the media.

Behind the scenes, but with his knowledge, I have been working with NBC and the Today Show. I, as well as many others across this State, Country and even Canada, are doing what we can do bring Ayla home, safe and sound. We have never, nor will we, give up hope that she be safely returned home to her Mom and Dad, even though they are not together any longer (prior to this event). Tonight, at 11:30 PM, despite my usual bedtime of 9:00 pm, I was interviewed by NBC and the Today show, for an update that will air in the morning at 7:30 EST. It was something that I needed to do, for I need to keep Ayla's name in the forefront of all media.

All day long, I reached out to my friend, and he never returned a call nor any of my countless texts. They were in essence, that now was the prime opportunity of placing a cry for help. I take it as they are scared to talk to the media, for they feel that every time they do, it gets twisted around. I repeatedly told him, as well as Ayla's father, that this was not the case, and that if they were uncomfortable to answer a specific question, all they had to say was that they did not want to answer it. Simple enough. They have not been asking for any coverage nationally, but stay local and only with newsprint. (Circulation appx 20,000). Here I am, not even affiliated other than a friend, and I just did an interview that will be reached out to over 8 Million viewers. I know if I was in their shoes, I think I would have grabbed hold and gone with it, despite any fear about myself, but to have my child returned home, safe and sound.

I think I may have lost a friend, whose friendship I cherished and loved. But it is not about a friendship to me. It is about finding a Lost and Missing Child. Period.

I thank you so very much for allowing me the opportunity to share, and also vent my frustration on this matter that has plagued me for over a month. If you wish, you may post here, or PM me. I love all my friends here on Doggie Nuts, for I feel at home, and a part of Community and Friendship with all that enter this great thread.

God Bless ~ And Let's Get Ayla Home

Bob ~ The MaineYankee

Stoner Stoner
Join DateSep 2011LocationMaine (The Frozen Tundra of Planet Earth)Posts726Journal Entries32


Good Day Doggies

So sorry that I have been unable these past few days to post. I have been really busy with something that I would like to share with you ...

For the past month, a friend of mine (25 years younger than I) had his niece abducted from their home in the middle of the night. At first LEO's were stating that it was a missing child, and for the past two weeks, changed it to, possible foul play. The little girl's name is Ayla, and from Maine. My friend and I are tight, as he always turned to me for guidance when things where going south for him. When I learned of this happening a month ago, I put my hand out, and he grabbed it. I did not want him to be alone on Christmas, so my family invited him over, just so that he could get away from it all, at least for a few hours. We have remained tight throughout, but they have had very little to say, or help out, especially with the media.

Behind the scenes, but with his knowledge, I have been working with NBC and the Today Show. I, as well as many others across this State, Country and even Canada, are doing what we can do bring Ayla home, safe and sound. We have never, nor will we, give up hope that she be safely returned home to her Mom and Dad, even though they are not together any longer (prior to this event). Tonight, at 11:30 PM, despite my usual bedtime of 9:00 pm, I was interviewed by NBC and the Today show, for an update that will air in the morning at 7:30 EST. It was something that I needed to do, for I need to keep Ayla's name in the forefront of all media.

All day long, I reached out to my friend, and he never returned a call nor any of my countless texts. They were in essence, that now was the prime opportunity of placing a cry for help. I take it as they are scared to talk to the media, for they feel that every time they do, it gets twisted around. I repeatedly told him, as well as Ayla's father, that this was not the case, and that if they were uncomfortable to answer a specific question, all they had to say was that they did not want to answer it. Simple enough. They have not been asking for any coverage nationally, but stay local and only with newsprint. (Circulation appx 20,000). Here I am, not even affiliated other than a friend, and I just did an interview that will be reached out to over 8 Million viewers. I know if I was in their shoes, I think I would have grabbed hold and gone with it, despite any fear about myself, but to have my child returned home, safe and sound.

I think I may have lost a friend, whose friendship I cherished and loved. But it is not about a friendship to me. It is about finding a Lost and Missing Child. Period.

I thank you so very much for allowing me the opportunity to share, and also vent my frustration on this matter that has plagued me for over a month. If you wish, you may post here, or PM me. I love all my friends here on Doggie Nuts, for I feel at home, and a part of Community and Friendship with all that enter this great thread.

God Bless ~ And Let's Get Ayla Home

Bob ~ The MaineYankee

You almost made me :cry:

Cause I read this while listening to


That is some RIU amazingness 0calli
im home.. surrounded by FRENEMIE$.. /sigh

tho home is where the Heart iZ... but i woke up.. $melling..

like.. D00-doo... :)
